One must understand that our country is not run on instant decisions and spur of the moment choices, but by planning and dedication to making the lives of South African people a much more pleasant journey. Some believe that planning and dedication do not exist in the government today one cannot justify or overrule this statement by simply watching on the surface!
Good day to one and all my aim for today is to educate and inform you about the NDP (National Development Plan). Recently meetings regarding such plans were held in Cape Town and the plans for our beloved Country from 2013 to 2030 have already been finalised. I assure you the information I share with you today is not only legit but accurate and important!
The NDP is an outline of the plans the government has for our country in these plans we see the direction that our country will take, whether South Africa will see brighter or questionable future in the days ahead.
The vision statement set out by our government is long and promising but as the question arises in all our minds will our government deliver on their promises and plans. In the vision statement many issues are touched on, issues like how we arrived at our first democratic election, how far we have come from the time of that election, how communities should communicate and how the people of South Africa should hold up their flags proudly because they believe in their country! They speak about economic freedom and how we will all live better lives, lives that are enriched by the fruits of our labour and how we will benefit from our effort put into our beautiful country.
You may say our government has been promising and not delivering for a very long time but I say to you look at how far we have come at how much we have grown, if not for changes and disputes our country would not have matured we would have not had the opportunity to say as a country and a nation as a family that we