Despite the fact that The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System was suspended in 2011 by former President Barack Obama and all …show more content…
twenty-five countries were removed off the list, new elect President Donald Trump is taking action, which implement procedures and regulations that are very similar to NSEERS.
Ever since President Donald Trump took Presidency in 2017, he has implemented various laws that discriminate against Muslims, which violate the United States Constitution. According to Politico in an article titled “Why Trump’s Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional” by Corey Brett Schneider, Similar to former President George Bush, President Donald Trump has passed two executive orders that violate the Fourteenth Amendment and discriminates against Muslims because of their religious background.
Under the protection of National Security, President Donald Trump issued the first executive order, a ban, on non-citizen Muslims, including visa and green card holders from all Muslim majority countries from entering the United States. On January 27, 2017, new elect President Donald Trump issued the first executive order banning non United States citizens from entering the United Sates for 90 days and included seven Muslim majority countries. These seven
countries were Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. The executive order halted all refuges coming from Syria. The executive order received major backlashes from Muslims citizens’ and non-Muslim citizens, United States citizens and activities living in the untied states and others living outside the United States, gathered and protested in areas all across the United States. Tens of thousands participated in mass protest that spread across all fifty states, the protests included areas such as: airports, town squares, town halls, in front of court houses, the White House, the Supreme Court and the lawns of state capitals. Not only were Muslims apart of these protests, but also these protests included many United States citizens of various religions, ethnicities and races. These protesters chanted and shouted their opposition to the Travel Ban issued by President Donald Trump. More than 40 protests took place across the country. Not only were regular citizens apart of the protests that took place, but the House and Senate Democrats participated in the protests against the travel ban as well. In addition they gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday to protests as well. According to an article written by the New York Times titled Highlights: Reaction to Trump’s Travel Ban written by reporter Andy Newman on January 29, 2017: “Democratic members of the House and the Senate will gather on the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday evening to protest the travel ban, Nancy Pelosi of California, the House minority leader, said: “The president’s action is not only unconstitutional but immoral,” she said in a statement.