Service Bundle: Offering several services in a same package. Element | Core Goods | Core Services | Business | Custom clother | Business hotel | Core | Business suits | Room for the night | Periphal goods | Garment bag | Bathrobe/ amenities | Peripheral service | Deferred payment plans | In-house restaurant | Variant | Coffee lounge | Airport shuttle |
CORE BUSINESS: is the sector(s) of business activity that is the reason or purpose for being.
Service/product bundle
Service Process Matrix
Definition: The Service Process Matrix is a classification matrix of service industry firms based on the characteristics of the individual firm's service processes.
Low High
Service factory Service Shop
Low Airlines, Trucking, Hospitals Auto Repair Hotels, Resorts Other repair services
High Mass Service Professional Service Retailing Physicians Wholesaling Lawyers Schools. Retail Accountants Aspect of banking Architects Degree of labor intensity
Degree of customer interaction and customization. Service Package
Definition: Bundle of goods and services with information that is provided in some environments.
Supporting facility: physical resources that must be in place before a service can be offered.
Facilitating goods: Material consumed or purchased by the buyer, or items provided by the customer.
Information: Operations data or information that is provided by the customer to enable efficient and customized service.
Explicit Services: The benefits that are readily observable by the senses and that consist of the essential or intrinsic features of the service.
Implicit services: Psychological benefits that the costumer may sense only vaguely, or the