How Far Do You Agree With This Statement?
It can be argued that in order for the Nazi Regime to have stayed in power, it was essential that they maintain high popularity. On the other hand, though popularity is needed, it can be debated that the use of terror was a more important aspect to the regime as it ensured that the German people would not question or speak out against the regimes policy and actions. The view in source four appears to provide the view that the regime was dependant on its popularity and also agrees with the statement provided. However, if you were to compare this with source five then you would see that it gives the impression that the regime depended solely on terror, thus disagreeing with the statement. Furthermore, it would appear that source six provides a balanced view on the subject and to some extent supports both source four and five. It can therefore be debated as to whether or not the Nazi Regime depended more on its broad popularity than on terror in the years 1933-1939.
Some historians have taken up the view point that without the popularity the Nazi Regime would not have been able to survive. Through its policies, it is clear to see that the Regime tried to make it look like they were working for the good of society in order to make Germany a better place. It would appear that the majority of the German people supported the regime; however, as it was a repressive state, it is unclear as to whether this is fully correct. In source four, historian Robert Gellately supports the argument of popularity as he gives the impression that the majority of people agreed with the extensive policing measures that were put in place by the Nazi regime as they believed it was improving German society as a whole. In the defence of source four, historian E.A. Johnson in source 6, to some extent, supports Robert Gellately as he gives the impression that