Mr. Puccinelli
APLAC Block 4
30 September 2013
The Need For Nature In a world where kids are getting infected by the virus that is the dependency on technology at a younger and younger age the incorporation of nature into the public school curriculum is undoubtedly needed. The experience of having nature be greatly involved in my education since a young age has made me aware of all the benefits that this brings to the academic skills of children.As a young child from the ages of 0-8 I lived in a very rural part of Mexico where nature formed a huge part of our daily life and education.I may have not had the mental maturity to analyze the benefits that this would cause during that period in my life but now that I look back on it I realize that the experiences I had as a child have shaped who I am and my relationship with nature as well as enhanced certain academic skills. I spent the first half of my life and perhaps the most fundamental half surrounded by trees and different types of wildlife. Although I don’t have many memories of that time period I do remember the exhilarating feeling that would come over me whenever my first grade class would go on “una excursion”or field trip to an open field surrounded by trees to have a science lesson outside which broke the typical routine of being stuck in a classroom.I can still clearly recall the way it felt to be outside, simply observing the world around me,seeing a fledgling fly for the first time, realizing that every time I saw butterflies they always came in pairs,seeing bees buzz from one flower to the next and I swear that I never felt more at peace and I never understood science better than in that moment. To this day I get extremely excited whenever my science class goes to the outdoor lab to do some sort of experiment or a lesson because I know that having a real life experience of what I am learning about is the way I learn best. Science is the type of subject in which it
Cited: "Register ForEE Week 2014." National Environmental Education Week. National Environmental Education Foundation, 2013. Web. 26 Sept. 2013