There is a group named NATO that is really advancing ways to protect people from terrorism. Some of the projects over terrorism have made protection forces “Projects cover topics such as the protection forces, infrastructure, and harbors with a view of enhancing NATO interoperability” (Defense Against Terrorist Program of Work (DAT POW)). The NATO program is really advancing by making other projects like working on their infrastructure and harboring. NATO has become a great use for the United States terrorist protection program. The United Sates is coming up with ways each and every year to prevent terrorism. The started making laws that would protect people from terrorism like “In 1540 committee monitors member states compliance with the resolution 1540, which armed on gun laws” (Daniel Moeckli 166). The laws are going to help by making it more difficult for the terrorist to get guns. That is one of the many ways that the United States is trying to prevent …show more content…
Terrorism was once known to protect democracy and was thought to be all about religious acts of violence. There have also been terrorist organizations from way back in the past to the present day. Also the world has made many attempts to stop terrorist acts but there seems to be no way to stop it completely. This is why terrorism doesn’t just affect one person but the whole world.
Works Cited
“National Consequences of International Terrorism.” 1-3. Ebsco. Miami High School Library, Miami Oklahoma. 11 Jan. 2016
International Terrorism. Charlie Fuller. Broomall, Pa; Mason Crest Publishers Inc, 2003.
“Defense Against Terrorism Programme of Work (DAT POW).” NATO. 09 Apr. 2015. 12 Jan.2016
Daniel Moeckli “The Emergence of Terrorism as a district category of International Law.” 157-183. Ebsco. Miami High school Library, Miami Oklahoma. 11 Jan. 2016.
Medea Benjamin “10 Ways to Reduce the Threat of Terrorist Attacks on Americans.” Common Dreams. 11 Jan 2016. 11 Jan 2016.
Terror in antiquity: 1st-14 century AD. Terrorism Research. 9 Feb. 2016