DDT is an organochlorine used for its properties as a pesticide. Following WWII, DDT was used widespread in agriculture in the United States. DDT, in the form of “sprays, dusts, and aerosols,” was “applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and . . . [had] the power to kill every insect, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad.’” In 1962, Rachael Carson published Silent Spring in which she discusses the impact DDT usage had on the environment and public health. Even though “the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects,” it killed everything and left behind “a deadly film.” She insisted that DDT “not be called ‘insecticides,’ but ‘biocides’” due to its dangerous effects. For example, Carson correlates the use of the pesticide with cases of cancer and showed evidence to suggest that DDT was especially hazardous to bird populations. The chemical caused the shell of bird eggs to be thinner than normal, making them more fragile. Populations of Bald Eagles and certain species of hawks plummeted. In addition, Carson argued that DDT was “of concern to us all” and that “if we are going to live so intimately with these chemicals . . . we had better know something about their nature and their power.” A proper investigation of the long-term health effects of DDT was never carried out prior to the release of the chemical to the general public. Big industry responded to Carson by working to discredit her. They did not want to admit their mistake and take responsibility. DDT was ultimately banned in 1972 from agricultural use; however, the damage had already been
DDT is an organochlorine used for its properties as a pesticide. Following WWII, DDT was used widespread in agriculture in the United States. DDT, in the form of “sprays, dusts, and aerosols,” was “applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and . . . [had] the power to kill every insect, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad.’” In 1962, Rachael Carson published Silent Spring in which she discusses the impact DDT usage had on the environment and public health. Even though “the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects,” it killed everything and left behind “a deadly film.” She insisted that DDT “not be called ‘insecticides,’ but ‘biocides’” due to its dangerous effects. For example, Carson correlates the use of the pesticide with cases of cancer and showed evidence to suggest that DDT was especially hazardous to bird populations. The chemical caused the shell of bird eggs to be thinner than normal, making them more fragile. Populations of Bald Eagles and certain species of hawks plummeted. In addition, Carson argued that DDT was “of concern to us all” and that “if we are going to live so intimately with these chemicals . . . we had better know something about their nature and their power.” A proper investigation of the long-term health effects of DDT was never carried out prior to the release of the chemical to the general public. Big industry responded to Carson by working to discredit her. They did not want to admit their mistake and take responsibility. DDT was ultimately banned in 1972 from agricultural use; however, the damage had already been