By Nicole Stevens
It happens in playgrounds, supermarkets, shopping malls, and home kitchens. A child disobeys,
talks back or misbehaves, and parent responds in frustration and fury. Research shows that 90 percent
of American parents have used spanking at sometime as a means of discipline, despite arguments from
experts that physical punishment neither corrects nor controls a child 's behavior in the long run. (Hales)
One common misconception is that discipline and punishment are the same thing. Discipline means
teaching appropriate behavior punishment is simply a penalty not necessarily a lesson. Corporal
punishment has one benefit and that is temporary obedience. However, it has numerous disadvantages
including short term effects, long term affects, and on society as a whole. There are alternative methods
of discipline that are not only better for the child but parent as well.
“Corporal punishment is of limited effectiveness and has potentially deleterious side effects,”
the American Academy of Pediatrics has said in a policy statement. Studies have shown that youngster
who are repeatedly or routinely subjected to corporal punishment are more prone to low self-esteem,
depression, and poor educational achievement. Preschoolers, who usually cannot understand the
difference between what they did and who they are, may conclude that they are being hit because they
are bad. Older children, feeling humiliated, may either withdraw or try to strike back.(Hales) When
physical punishment becomes noneffective it often escalates into child abuse. All too often what a
parent considers legitimate discipline can deteriorate into violence fueled by anger. (Toth, 2011)
Though the benefits of corporal punishment may be short term the effects are not. Findings
indicated that level of corporal punishment is positively related to depressive symptoms, independent
of any history of abuse and the frequency of other forms of punishment. Although parental monitoring
and perceived norms regarding corporal punishment had no direct or moderating effects, level of
parental anger during corporal punishment was the strongest predictor of depression. (Turner, 2004)
Children who are subject to constant physical reprimanding suffer from a host of mental health issues
as a result. As adults they present with disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress, Depression, and
Anxiety to name just a few. Many struggle their entire lives to engage in healthy satisfying relationships and sadly, when they become parents themselves, they often use the same tactics to
discipline their children as the ones that have destroyed their own lives. In choosing a mate these
individuals are frequently drawn to someone who will mimic the violence they experienced in their
childhood as an unconscious way to try to fix what they could not in an abusive parent. It is also
emotionally familiar territory. Children need to feel safe in their home; otherwise they will grow up
feeling unsafe in the world.(Sarnoff-Ross, 2011)
Corporal punishment doesn 't just have an effect on the individual, but also on the society as a
whole. Corporal punishment increases the use of violence in society and legitimizes it in the eyes of
succeeding generations. It promotes a double standard: there are two categories of citizens -
children and adults. It 's acceptable to assault children, but not adults. Corporal punishment contributes
to broken family patterns:Families where there is no communication between members become
divided into assailants and the assaulted.(UNICEF) Dr. Benjamin Spock once said “Physical
punishment certainly plays a role in our acceptance pf violence. If we are ever to turn to a kindlier
society and a safer world, a revulsion against the physical punishment of children would be a good
With all these adverse outcomes why does it continue? Simply because some parents don 't
know what else they can do. Luckily there are many alternative methods of discipline. Calmly explain
why the behavior was stopped and explain what the child should do next time. Make frequent
reminders of behavioral limits. Hold family meetings to discuss potential problems. Teach a child the
related consequences of his or her actions. Always follow through with consequences.(Hales) One of
the most important tools parents forget is positive reinforcement.
World peace starts with peace at home. Corporal punishment hurts the child and the society as a
whole. Straus believed that it should be considered a form of violence against children. By making
parents aware of the effects and alternatives one day corporal punishment will become a medieval
practice of the past.
Works Cited
Hales, Dianne.“Disciplining Your Children”. 27 Apr. 2012
Toth, Sheree. “When does spanking become abuse?” CNN Wire 11 Nov. 2011.Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 22 Apr.2012
Dr. Spock. “Baby and Child Care” 1998, pp.437-438. 22 Apr. 2012
“Educate don 't Punish”. UNICEF. Web. 22 Apr. 2012
Muller, Paul. Turner,Heather. “Long-Term Effects of Child Corporal Punishment on Depressive Symptoms in Young Adults”.2004. 22 Apr. 2012
Cited: Hales, Dianne.“Disciplining Your Children”. 27 Apr. 2012 Toth, Sheree. “When does spanking become abuse?” CNN Wire 11 Nov. 2011.Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 22 Apr.2012 Dr. Spock. “Baby and Child Care” 1998, pp.437-438. 22 Apr. 2012 “Educate don 't Punish”. UNICEF. Web. 22 Apr. 2012 Muller, Paul. Turner,Heather. “Long-Term Effects of Child Corporal Punishment on Depressive Symptoms in Young Adults”.2004. 22 Apr. 2012
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