For example, Nabisco created pre-portioned one hundred calorie packs of unhealthy foods. They included Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and gummy snacks, along with many other snacks lacking nutritional value. The snack packs are equally unhealthy containing high amounts of sugar. The digestion of sugar remains the same. Sugar, or sugar substitute, increases insulin production exponentially, leading to the creation of fat molecules, ending with a sharp drop in insulin creating the feeling of hunger. Many other processed foods label their products as reduced fat or no fat. Manufacturers replace the missing fat with sugar, oils, dyes or other additives. The artificial ingredients cause many issues in the body; some may even cause diseases such as cancer. The food corporations combat potential loss of revenue with artificial ingredients, plus marketing …show more content…
Physical wellness stands as the greatest observable aspect affected. Poor diet combined with lack of exercise creates the antithesis of physical wellness. Obesity affects other aspects of wellness. For example, social wellness may become infringed upon due to weight restrictions or bullying. Brady Kluge voiced his story of bullying due to his excess weight at the beginning of the documentary. He desires to be at a proper weight due to the incessant bullying, yet, he does not know how to attain his goal. The bullying could affect his occupational, plus intellectual wellness due to the inferior learning environment. He is afraid during the school hours therefore he cannot focus on the task at hand. Furthermore, low self-esteem, or a feeling of an uncontrollable life could impact emotional and social wellness. Obesity affects all dimensions of wellness in unique