The rising use of critical medical attention has become an issue in 3rd world countries. Surgical robots can be placed in hospitals and monitored by average surgeons but controlled by surgeons that are specialized in surgical robotics. Beane explains how people can experience fear as an emotion when a person becomes introduced to the idea that robots can take over surgical procedures. Jobs can become occupied by staff that need to maintain and keep the robots and patient at its best qualities. Many of the cases jobs will be available not only for the people that have medical degrees, but for technicians in advanced technology (Beane). More careers are open to the possibility to make each country filled with advanced surgical procedures, that numbers of death caused by risky free hand surgeries will plummet …show more content…
Minimally invasive surgery involves a form of robotics that includes small incisions, miniature equipment, and fewer money. A risky procedure taken place with the amazing minimal invasive surgery is of a remarkable story of a mother and her child. Sohn tells the story of how a group of surgeons had to make a risky surgery to save a fetus with a heart tumor. The procedure will have to be done inside the mother's womb and directly to the 26-week-old fetus. This will be the fourth ever surgical procedure done on a fetus inside the mother's womb. The possibilities where near to none, but with the help of minimal invasive surgery the right tools used to ensure the best outcome. The baby with its extremely small form was able to survive due the proper techniques and equipment (Sohn). Minimally invasive surgery has been one of the most ground braking systems in the surgical world. Virtual reality has been commenced as a possibility to improve surgeries in future plans. The use of virtual reality in a surgery can be labeled as a way to improve the visibility and attainability of surgical doctors. With the use of robotic surgery, virtual reality can become a form of superpower and extreme intelligence. With the new forms of technology surgeons in different places in the world will be able to operate on patient with the use of virtual reality. Many advanced school trains young surgeons with