Methodology #1
The New Criticism and Formalist Analysis
In the new criticism and formalist analysis the author is portraying a point as to which in todays day and age no matter what we read whether is may be a poem, short story, novel, etc. we as humans are already making valued and momentous distinctions. The author also presents that us as critics today have self-awareness in the use of language and a clear comprehension of the backgrounds on which methods and concepts depend on. As the reader of this new criticism I can see where the author is coming from, I agree with the statement that literary and cultural analysis as a whole explore the difficult relationship between the text or writing and it's audience. Literature has forma or conventional parts of literature that separate it clearly from other types of expressions. Now a days most critics would agree that literature of any kind can impact the audience and it's readers in many strong and powerful ways. The text shows that the new criticism and texts should be treated with much respect. The text also states that the New Criticism is not the only empowering manifestation of formalism in recent years but other aspects of it have had an impact on students and scholars. Formalist analysis strictly forces that people have knowledge of unique styles of poetry, drama, fiction and also components, histories and vocabularies. Literature can be divided into different genres which are categories of artistic composition in literature, qualified by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. If for example to critique a poem the critic would need to know the meter, rhythm and other parts of versification that have led to significant distinctions between nature associated sub genres of poetry. According to the text, literary analysis has it's own protocolar interests and focusses that distinguish from the fields of history, psychology and sociology. It is