The United States of America , a country where people often said to be full of opportunity and liberty . What is the reason that leads America to a big success we had today ? Being the first world’s largest multiracial society, The American Identity pertain to equality , unity and tolerance . Which people in this country is treated in concord and beneficiary environment .
Through different perspective where American Identity is categorized as equality , unity and tolerance in the world leading multiracial society . I extracted some reference from one of the mainstream magazine Times magazine , published in 1997 ,introducing an interesting topic called The New Face of America followed by a fascinating cover with a cover picture of a female face computerized by a mixture of races and ethnicities . We are barely able to identify the ethnicity of her based …show more content…
From some daily life observations living in New York City ,one of the most linguistically diverse global city in the world . We have seen a diversity of people working and living together on daily basis . People shared public transportations to work , creating chance to meet a diversity of people from place to place . Sharing culture heritage by visiting some re-known places such as china town , little Italy and Korean town and acknowledging different tradition food is introduced based on different races . Here , It shows a intense experience of what living in a multiracial society’s like , people tolerates , respect and shared our unique traditions , cultures . On contradiction , we also see the society shown equality as people were given chance to share events such as New Year’s Eve where a diversity of people celebrates together in Time Square . There’s people had abrogate the color and ethnic aberration among each other by sharing the same atmosphere together