Louise Barker
Emma Lydon
Fashion Promotion and Imaging
1853 Words
Jean Shrimpton at 91 Heigham Road
David Bailey 1961
The New Generation of Models in the 1960s
“Jean Shrimpton was the first iconic model of the 1960s. The photos she and Bailey took in New York broke the mould and still inspire fashion today.” (We’ll Take Manhattan, 2012) This essay will consider how the ‘supermodels’ of the 1960s, concentrating on Jean Shrimpton and Leslie Hornby (Twiggy) helped to change the style of fashion and photography at this time. The essay will discuss the intimacy in the photographs of Jean Shrimpton by David Bailey and how their relationship, very much in the public eye, helped to create intrigue around the photographs and made them celebrities. It will also discuss the wider themes of the decade, such as the effect ‘Youthquake’ had on the designs of the 60s and the change in photography because of this. It could be argued that ‘Youthquake’ had a direct impact on the style of fashion photography; the models were now shot on locations, in less static poses, sometimes undertaking activities, such as running or jumping.
Also to be considered, is the way women were perceived in this time, gone were the 1950s ideals of the ‘sex bomb’ model, youth was the important factor, and with revolutionary ideas such as the contraceptive pill being widely available, women were much more liberated in the 60s.
‘Jean Shrimpton at 91 Heigham Road’ by David Bailey; this black and white photograph, taken in 1961 starts to show how fashion photography was becoming more sexualised at this time. Shrimpton is leaning seductively against the wall with one hand up, over her head and the other, suggestively pulling the neck of her cream jumper down. She is looking directly in to the camera lens and because of this it appears as if she is looking straight at you.
At this point in time, Jean Shrimpton and David Bailey were in a
Bibliography: Buckey, Cheryl (2002) Fashioning the Feminine. London: I.B. Taurus Mendes, Valerie (1999) 20th Century Fashion. London: Thames and Hudson Lester, Richard (2009) Photographing Fashion British Style in the Sixties. London: ACC Editions Steele, Valerie. (1997) Fifty Years of Fashion: New Look to Now. New Haven, CT: Yale University. We’ll Take Manhattan. (2012) BBC1: 26.01.12 21:00 hrs.