As long as you keep texting in fragments and with incorrect spelling your future will not transcend at all. In all my 17 years on this planet i was blessed with a roof over my head, food on my table, and clothes on my back. Technology was also a big part in my life, which made me realize what I can and can't live without. Everyday I'm with my friends I see the problem everyone including me is facing, the ironic part is that many people don't even know their facing a problem that can destroy their lives. I have noticed the discussion between my friends and I have been decreasing every time we meet because of these gadgets. One of my friends died because of this problem he wasn't even aware he had. These devices are not only negatively impacting lives but ending them as well. Texting and driving is dangerous and I will not stand here and do nothing while people die from the same problem. In conclusion, Technology is having a negative impact on lives and if it is not stopped, more people will die. People can not imagine a world without technology. But, what is technology if it erases humanity from existence? People need to wake up and take action on the use of technology and how it can be
As long as you keep texting in fragments and with incorrect spelling your future will not transcend at all. In all my 17 years on this planet i was blessed with a roof over my head, food on my table, and clothes on my back. Technology was also a big part in my life, which made me realize what I can and can't live without. Everyday I'm with my friends I see the problem everyone including me is facing, the ironic part is that many people don't even know their facing a problem that can destroy their lives. I have noticed the discussion between my friends and I have been decreasing every time we meet because of these gadgets. One of my friends died because of this problem he wasn't even aware he had. These devices are not only negatively impacting lives but ending them as well. Texting and driving is dangerous and I will not stand here and do nothing while people die from the same problem. In conclusion, Technology is having a negative impact on lives and if it is not stopped, more people will die. People can not imagine a world without technology. But, what is technology if it erases humanity from existence? People need to wake up and take action on the use of technology and how it can be