In the play Julius Caesar the character of Brutus seems to be noble, for he shows high moral principles. Brutus is noble for four main reasons, he cared for Rome and its people, Caesar feels Brutus does the right thing regardless, Brutus does not want Caesar to turn his back on Rome, and Brutus helps secure the good of the conspirators. In Julius Caesar, Brutus is asked to accompany a group of conspirators to assassinate Caesar, he joins and is soon in a lock with Antony and a battle happens between the two.
Brutus cared about Rome, in this play he speaks much about how he loves Rome and how if it came down to it he’d even kill himself for them. Brutus says in the play that if his country needed him to die he’d take his …show more content…
This shows Brutus is noble because Caesar trusted Brutus, and Caesar believed that Brutus would do what was right, regardless the personal danger. This is noble to Brutus because if Brutus is willing to do what is needed to ensure his country’s protection he will. When Caesar is assassinated on the Ides of March Caesar says “Et tu Brute? Then fall Caesar,” (act 3, scene 1) which Caesar questions why Brutus would assassinate him but Caesar believes Brutus does what is noble so his assassination must be done for something good and noble.
Brutus does not want Caesar turning his back on Rome. Brutus does not want Caesar to gain too much power and turn away from Rome and leave them to themselves. Brutus wants a noble leader who will not turn his back to Rome and Brutus fears Caesar will. This is noble of Caesar because it shows Brutus does care for the common people of Rome and is going to do his best to stop this from happening.
Brutus secures the general health of the conspirators by siding with them, he does this because without Brutus on their side people will feel the assassination of Brutus was pointless and with no good need. But the people feel Brutus is noble and there will be reason behind why Brutus assassinated Caesar. This is noble of Brutus because it shows Brutus indirectly is helping the conspirators stay alive. Because without Brutus’s support the conspirators would be killed for their