Stephanie Hartley
WAC 101
Writing Project One
Romance or Nomance: Intended Audience We are all interested in different kinds of movies. Some people adore comedy movies, and some people cannot stand scary movies. Have you ever asked yourself why that is? Why am I attracted to one type of movie and not another? When people create movies they are making them for an intended audience. A movie trailer is a way to show bits and pieces of a movie to capture their intended audience before the movie premiers. I think the trailer for the movie, The Notebook, is a great example. After watching and analyzing The Notebook’s movie trailer several times I have decided the intended audience of the movie is women, the ages of thirteen to sixty-years-old who may or may not have read The Notebook. I do believe this movie was mainly directed for women. One reason why I believe this is because women tend to love a good love story or “chick flicks”; I personally do. In the trailer it shows several doves flying and in the background there is soft music playing. Those are key clues that there is romance in the movie. Women are claimed to generally be more sensitive than men. So when women see a romance story unfolding in a movie trailer, they are typically more drawn to it rather than men. Women can be drawn to the movie as well if they can relate to what is happening in the story. After watching the trailer it appears as if there is a girl lead who is in love. With a girl being a lead it automatically makes it relatable to other girls. It can also be relatable if any girl is or has been in love. In the trailer is seems as if there is a male lead as well. Typically in a romance movie the male lead is attractive. Girls go watch movies all the time just to watch a cute boy actor. The girl who appears to be the lead in the movie is Rachel McAdams. Rachel starred in the movie Mean Girls which premiered just