Leslie K. Wood
Georgetta Baptist
The Nursing Home Administrator The Nursing Home Administrator is the head of operations at a nursing home. The position requires licensure to practice in a state. Individual states have different requirements for licensure but generally people have proof of adequate education, experience, experience of guidance under preceptor. The licensure examination requirements covers basic topics of nursing home administration with Master’s degree or Gerontology. The Administrator manages personnel, processing of admissions, manages finances, and overseeing day to (1). There are moral, educational, and work experience requirements to meet prior to meeting with Board of Examiners of nursing home administrators. The moral character and suitability for licensure is a reflection of the ability for the individual needed to fulfill the responsibilities of nursing home administrator, competency, and ethical values. The educational requirements include a Baccalaureate or higher level of education including supplemental educational credits in education for long-term care, health care, gerontology, and personnel management from an accredited educational program. The selected educational course is to be completed with acceptable grades from an accredited institution. The selected courses are to be completed within a certain period of time to be eligible to take Nursing Home Administrator licensure exam. To meet requirements coursework, a 300 level class or higher, predominantly rich with inpatient, health care, and nursing home as Master’s degree in Health Care Administrator, Health Facility Administrator requiring certain number of hours of field experience or work experience as full-time Administrator of Record in a certain period of time prior to licensure. The work experience requirements include
References: Purnell, L. D.T. (1999, Spring). Health Care Managers ' and Administrator 's Roles, Functions, and Responsibilities. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 26-37. Perley, R., & Merchant, K. (2006, September). Guide to An Amazing Career. Nursing Home Administrator, 1-63. Nursing Home Administrator Licensure Qualifications. (). Retrieved from http://www.health.ny.gov/professionals/nursing_home_administrator/quals.htm