Scientists have proven that the foods alone cannot be the root cause of obesity. For instance, a person who eats the fast foods but takes time to exercise may not be obese but then there is the case of genetics which naturally affect obesity in an individual regardless of the amount of exercise put in. This serves to demonstrate that one specific factor cannot cause obesity on its own. There are many factors that perpetuate obesity. Over the years, there has been a reduction in the amount of physical activity that an individual undertakes in a day. This is mainly due to much technological advancement that has lessened the need for physical movement. For instance, one does not need to shuttle across a room to switch television stations; there is a remote to do that. One no longer has to take the stairs to a certain floor of a building, elevators do all the climbing. There is no doubt that technology has made life easier, but at what cost to our bodies? A simple task as climbing a flight of steps reduces cardiovascular complications significantly. When done routinely, it could be the difference between coronary thrombosis and the lack …show more content…
When we eat too much, the food is in excess of the amount required by the body and thud tends to be stored in the body as fats. The excess weight can be shed off with consistent activities such as exercising and taking a better and healthier diet. However, science has proven that despite all this, it may still be harder for some people to tackle the weight mainly for genetic reasons. For some, the weight can never really go down. It is really a sad situation. That is not to say, however, that it is not manageable. There are some factors that tend to accelerate obesity such as age, gender, and psychological factors. With increase in age, metabolic reactions in the body are much slower. This means that less food is broken down and thus most is stored in the form of fats. This could lead to obesity especially if the portions of food being consumed are large.
Different emotions evoke varied reactions in people. Some people turn to junk food or what we would call comfort foods to deal with stress or anger. Other feelings such as boredom or sadness can also lead to excessive eating. These habits lead to obesity especially due to the unhealthy nature of some of these