Hospitality towards strangers is like a moral code in the Odyssey. When a stranger visits a household, the residents must feed them and clothe them in fine fabrics. In return the visitor just has to give thanks and gratitude. This hospitality was taken advantage of when the suitors decided to stay in the palace until Penelope picked a husband. Eurymachos, one of the suitors, says “his wealth shall be wasted and consumed, and there shall be no retribution, as long as that woman keeps putting off her wedding and wasting our time!”(Homer, 21). The suitors eventually get punished for breaking the laws of hospitality. Odysseus and Telemachus ruthlessly kill all the suitors at the end, using Athena’s plan. An example of good hospitality is when Odysseus goes to the kingdom of Scheria. The king Alcinous generously serves Odysseus without hesitation. The king even gives up his son's chair for Odysseus, showing the kindness of
Hospitality towards strangers is like a moral code in the Odyssey. When a stranger visits a household, the residents must feed them and clothe them in fine fabrics. In return the visitor just has to give thanks and gratitude. This hospitality was taken advantage of when the suitors decided to stay in the palace until Penelope picked a husband. Eurymachos, one of the suitors, says “his wealth shall be wasted and consumed, and there shall be no retribution, as long as that woman keeps putting off her wedding and wasting our time!”(Homer, 21). The suitors eventually get punished for breaking the laws of hospitality. Odysseus and Telemachus ruthlessly kill all the suitors at the end, using Athena’s plan. An example of good hospitality is when Odysseus goes to the kingdom of Scheria. The king Alcinous generously serves Odysseus without hesitation. The king even gives up his son's chair for Odysseus, showing the kindness of