In Western Country, Old aged person stay in old home is a common incident, but for our country, it is not natural because Bangladesh is a family bonding country. People here like to stay together. But increasing with modern facilities, people now prefer to think only for themselves & their old aged parents seems burden to them & they try to get rid from them. For that reason the number of Old homes are increasing day by day.
Mission & Vision of this project:
The main mission of the project is to increasing awareness between the young generation for not to leave their parents along in the time of their need. We want to make them conscious in this sense that, if they leave their parents along on their need, one day they also must be leave by their lovely children without any reason.
The letter posted in every wall of old home is given bellow:
If we successfully can increase awareness between people, the Rang on Old age home living people must be decrease & our countries family bonding being strong again.
By this project we can make better relationship between us & the old people. We come to know about their life style & easily prepared ourselves for our future. IT helps us in many ways.
Description & Roles of the old age home :
Above 60 up ages men/women who are helpless, unable to earn anymore, who has no place to live, whose sons /daughter are able to look after them but don’t take care of them or who has no child or kit-kin .in a word who are helpless in financially /socially like this old men /women, they stay at old age home with the help of government or any non-government organization.
In Bangladesh, there are four old age home. One government, one semi-govt. & two non- govt. The old home we visited is situated at Bishia Kuribari Monipur (hotapara) in joydebpur, Gazipur. The organizer of this old-aged home is the biggest Givency group,