Both North and South were ill prepared for war in 1861. Initially dependent on volunteers, the Confederacy established a draft in 1862, and the Union did so the following year.…
The Old Man by the Sea was an exciting book with some sadness once you got toward the end. In The Old Man by the Sea it was a depressing story of a poor man that lived alone only knowing a young fourteen-year-old boy. The boy was forced to leave the old man because his parents made a decision to go with a fisher man that was constantly catching fish. But the boy didn’t want to leave the old man, he wanted to stay with the old man. On that eighty-fourth day the boy was of course unable to go with him but he was able to help the old man get ready to go out to sea by giving him coffee and sardines that morning. He also put the spear and nets in the boat for the old man. Since the old man decided to go further out than usual he was able to snag him fish although he did not know the great size of the fish he could tell this was his biggest fish he has ever hooked. The old man kept vigorously reeling the fish did not even let up a little bit. After a day and a half of sticking with the fish he finally was able to reel him in. On the way back home everything was fine except due to him having to spear the fish causing blood sharks were attracted to…
In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago is challenged to fight his way through multiple forces. Him trying to overcome these obstacles are not just because of the threat to his survival. He does it for his own personal content and confidence. All throughout the book, the Old Man has to face the power of the Marlin, the sharks, the ocean, and his lack of energy. His peaceful fishing adventure changed to a not so happily ever after ending, unfortunately. Without breaking down these barriers one at a time, Santiago would never have been able to progress like he did. Though he did not end up bringing home the Marlin as proof, Santiago is motivated with his determination.…
It is my opinion that the one event had the most significant role in causing to the Revolutionary War was the Boston Tea Party. I believe this because of the following reasons: The Boston Tea Party caused the Intolerable Acts, colonist rebelled against their government, Boston Harbor was shut down.…
Blue marlins, a brag worthy catch among fishermen, prove to be worthy of being trophy fish. The reason blue marlins can be trophy fish is because of their great size. Something you could note is that all trophy fish are female. They usually weigh about 540-1800 kg, with the larger ones being used as the trophies. (Unknown author(s) Since they are large-game fish this means that they usually are caught with a team of fishermen, this shows Santiago’s strength and willpower in The Old Man and the Sea. The fact that most people use this as a trophy fish is another factor that led to the villagers regaining their respect of Santiago’s skill as a fisherman, which is why Hemingway would have used this particular fish rather than one of the many other fish in the sea.…
Nesbitt. Vol. 36. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000. Literature Resource Center. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. Baskett provides a detailed analysis of the symbolic detail in The Old Man and the Sea ranging from biblical allusions to Santiago’s aura of “strangeness”, which he says contributes to Hemingway’s “fifth dimensional prose”. He lists multiple examples of how Hemingway employs fifth dimensional prose like how Santiago is rarely often referred to as “Santiago” but prevalently more as “the old man” or analyzing the relationship between Santiago and Manolin. Furthermore and more importantly, he begins to describe the biblical allusions found in Hemingway’s novel. A large comparison he makes is between a passage in the bible and the symbolism of the lions in Santiago’s dreams. The passage can be summarized to be about normally antithetical and contradicting creatures that live and play in youth and peace in God’s “holy mountain” like a lion and an ox or a cow and a bear.…
Santiago is an old fisherman who lives in a small coast town in Cuba. At the time that Hemingway wrote the story, he was also an elderly gentlemen and was such an avid fisherman throughout his life, that books such as "Ernest Hemingway, The Angler As Artist" were written on the sole subject of how this obsession influenced Hemingway 's writing. Furthermore, he fished off the coast of Cuba so much that he decided to "buy the 'Finca Vigia ' in Cuba, a substantial estate located about fifteen miles from downtown Havana . . ." For entertainment Santiago would "read the baseball." Meanwhile Hemingway often "relied on baseball analogies" in his writing, suggesting that he also loved the game. These similarities between Santiago 's lifestyle and Hemingway 's cannot be ignored or passed off as coincidence because they are much too precise. Already, from these prominent identical traits it is evident that Hemingway modeled the character of Santiago after his own person.…
Through times of struggle, humans resort to memories and ideas to help them through the conflict. This is particularly true when it comes to the hardships of fishing. Santiago is at battle for many days with a large marlin where he becomes triumphant, although temporarily, he was not defeated. He uses memories of the boy and baseball to keep his mind of the pain that he was in to fulfill his duty as a fisherman. Using characterization, point of view and symbolism, youthful strength, courage, and love of nature is strongly demonstrated in Ernest Hemingway's novella The Old Man and the Sea.…
In “ Old Man and The Sea “ by Ernest Hemingway Santiago is a poor old man that survives in life by fishing. With his wife dead and him never having kids he is the only person left in his family. For 84 days in a row Santiago goes without catching a single fish. This is a man that works to feed himself and he is not catching anything. Santiago is a hero like character. With the extreme dedication to his craft and masterful patience the type of person that Santiago is, is who everyone else would like to model himself after. While most strive for money and material goods Santiago represents something more powerful and unique.…
In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago is challenged to fight his way through multiple forces. Him trying to overcome these obstacles are not just because of the threat to his survival, but also for his own personal content and confidence. All throughout the book, the Old Man has to face the power of the Marlin, the sharks and ocean, his own loneliness without the boy there with him, and his lack of energy. His peaceful fishing adventure changed to a not so happily ever after ending unfortunately. Without breaking down these barriers one at a time, Santiago would never have been able to progress like he did though, even if in the end he didn't end up bringing home the Marlin as proof.…
Christian symbolism, especially images that refer to the crucifixion of Christ, is present throughout The Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway’s novel can be construed as an allusion to the Bible and the struggles of Jesus. Told simply and sparely, the contest between the old Cuban fisherman Santiago and a giant marlin is often seen as emblematic of human endurance and bravery against nearly overwhelming odds. 'A man can be destroyed but not defeated', Hemingway maintained. Santiago's story mirrors Christ's insofar as both men suffer greatly and it is, primarily, through the use of crucifixion imagery that Hemingway creates a symbolic parallel between Santiago and Christ, an analogy that elevates Santiago's trials.…
An example of this is when Santiago thought“She is kind and beautiful. But she can be cruel..” (Hemingway 29), Santiago is reflecting on how amazing and gorgeous the ocean is but to respect it and not take it for granted. Another example of Santiago respecting the sea is when he is reflecting in his boat about how the ocean is feminine and “...gave or withheld many great favours…” (Hemingway 30). Though Santiago respects the ocean, he does not respect the sharks saying: “‘Eat that galanoes. And make a dream you’ve killed a man.” (Hemingway…
"There is never a simple key to any writer worth much attention, but in the case of Hemingway there is something that looks so like a key that it cannot escape any informed and thoughtful reader's notice" (O'Conner 153). Ernest Hemingway was one such author. Very rarely did he summarize statements, therefore the only way to solve his puzzle was to take it apart and examine each components. One of the hidden elements that the reader must analyzie closely is the parallel between Santiago and Jesus Christ. In the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway creates connections between Santiago and Jesus Christ that adds religious coloration to the story.…
The sea has played a prominent role in his life for many decades. Even is his younger years he spent time in the ocean, "But you went turtle-ing for years off the Mosquito Coast..." (P.14) He enjoyed the ocean in many ways, but the greatest attribute was fishing.Fishing is his favorite activity, and the sea is his platform, therefore, strengthing his love for the sea. This exhibits the concept that humans tend to like things or people based upon what they have to offer them. Santiago does not mearely "like" fishing, it was more of an obsession. Fishing is not a piece in his schuelde, rather, his life evoles around the sea. His entire life's purpose, or so he believes, involves the sea. "Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was the thing that I was born for." After eighty-four days of failure, he decides to adventure into the sea. He refuses to adapt to society and as a "strange man" (P.14 ) he remains using his outdated equipment and small skiff. With deication and perserverence, he set sail to regain meaning in his…
Heros are made and remember in many different ways, in The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway an old man named Santiago show just how he is ideal everyman hero.…