“The only thing we have to fear...is fear itself”
The creature of deep-settled uneasiness prowls in the realm of your subliminal mind. It creeps with assurance; very familiar with its prey. It slowly eases its way around the serpentine vines that shield the fragile peace and tranquillity. Being cautious as to not attack to rapidly, it envelops its prey with its puissant body, suffocating it of all certitude. Without warning it mercilessly injects its all-consuming rancour into the decrepit veins, then slowly depletes the mind of any sureness, courage and optimism. The body becomes a lifeless tool, now a puppet primed to be manipulated.
It isn’t what we know that frightens us. Once we start to doubt what we once were undeniably sure of, we become afraid. Every human is a victim of fear’s spasmodic grip on their mind. Lurking in the depths of our being, this uncertainty is ingrained within us from the moment we breathed our very first breath. Like a poison, fear has the ability to create an illusion that life is so small, almost not worth living. Seeking help becomes all the more challenging as feelings of ineffable loneliness and despair ooze through the crepuscular crevices of your mind.
As the child lays in her bed watching the oddly-shaped shadows outside her putrescent windows and listens to the eerie crackling sounds of dry Autumn leaves, images of forbidding monsters and demons her subconscious outlines so dexterously come to life. Years later she lay in that same bed, only on this occasion it’s not the dancing figures of shadows that cause her to curl her knees in tightly and cocoon herself within the bedcovers. This time she dreads the crunching of the door handle and the violent words that crush her more than the merciless hands that bruise her youthful skin. As she evolves, so do her fears. Like a coat she sheds through the seasons of life; one layer of uncertainty exuviates and the next already replacing the one