Every time J would try and defend herself, another girl would yell over her. I remember I was speechless, it was as if I was suffocating in my own dismay for J. My hands were drenched in sweat and trembling, but I just watched. I was a bystander to a bullying.
Her eyes filled up with tears like an overflowing dam. She was trying to keep her tears from falling, trying not to show herself at her weakest point. Her voice cracked every time she piped up. The school staff eventually had to come and take her away. By the time everyone was done ripping her to shreds, the damage was done and she wasn’t the same after that.
After J went through that incident, she felt so alone that she turned to cutting her own wrists in hopes of feeling safe again. I would do anything if I could go back in time and either switch positions with J or give her a sense of security I felt from the popular girls at that time, because I know I didn’t ever deserve feeling safe when I had nothing to be afraid