Personal Opinion
Researcher named Zeynep Burcu Ugur (2014) specified that the general people who are pro-presumed consent assert that an opt-out system could raise cadaveric donation rates because individuals become unsuccessful in registering their selections or may not have any preference for organ donation. Thus, there has been a positive increase in organ transplant in participating opt-out countries, but “opt-out consent countries still have significant transplant waiting lists and suffer from an organ donor shortage. According to Shepherd et al. (2014), the …show more content…
(2015). Organ Donation and Consent. National Catholic Bioethics Center, 40(8), 3-4.
Retrieved September 30, 2015.
Levitt, M. (2015). Could the Organ Shortage Ever Be Met? Life Sci Soc Policy Life Sciences,
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Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. (2017). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Shepherd, L., O'Carroll, R., & Ferguson, E. (2014). An International Comparison of Deceased and Living Organ Donation/Transplant Rates in Opt-In and Opt-Out Systems: A Panel Study. 12(131). doi:10.1186/s12916-014-0131-4
Ugur, Z. (2014). Does Presumed Consent Save Lives? Evidence From Europe. Health