Strayer University
When organizations grow into very large and successful entities, they consider a number of strategies and goals that will help to maintain their status quo. With strategic development, companies reflect upon the purpose of their products and services, the mission and goals in providing those products and services, the customers and their significance to the growth of the company; and nonetheless, the employment practices that will determine how those products and services will be received. One very large and successful organization that upholds distinctive strategic practices is the United Parcel Services of America, Inc., better known as UPS. UPS is a leading corporation of the shipping and logistics services industry that carries the strategic practices of “creating value, transformation, and investment” (“UPS Values, Mission, and Strategy,” 2012). These practices are enacted by maintaining employment procedures that create an environment of high morale and willingness to learn and grow within the company. Even with strategies that have been proven successful for UPS, there are still challenges with human resource management and the company’s ability to uphold its key value of diversity.
Describe the organization, what it does, the customers it serves, and its size.
UPS is a multi-billion dollar package delivery company and “a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services (“About UPS: Company History,” 2012). It services over 200 countries worldwide, which makes the UPS the most preferred package delivery company around the world (“About UPS: Company History,” 2012). UPS has over 1.1 million shipping customers to 7.7 million consignees… (“United Parcel Services: Summary,” 2012). CNN Money (2012) ranks UPS as #52 of the largest and most successful corporations of the United States. It is a very recognizable brand
Cited: About Us: Company History (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from Fortune 500: United Parcel Service (2012).. CNN Money. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from Piccone, R. L. (2006). Survivor’s Guide to Survival at United Parcel Service. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from Specialty Solutions: Government (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from UPS Corporate Responsibility: Community Internship Program (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from UPS Corporate Responsibility: Leadership Development (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from UPS Corporate Sustainability Report (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from, United Parcel Services, Inc.: Summary (2012). Google Finance. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from United States Parcel SVC Inc. (NYSE:UPS) (2012). Forbes. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from UPS Values, Mission, and Strategy (2012). UPS. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from,+Mission,+and+Strategy