Document 2 was created because the colonies believed voters had the right to have a say in the government. Voting qualifications were that you had to be a white, Christian male, and own a specific amount of land. Voting was democratic in that the colonists had a say in government. Blacks and women not having the right to vote was undemocratic. The colonies believed the votes should be restricted, and that the people allowed to vote were committed members of the community. Document 2 resulted in the American Revolution, which was fought over voting. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut in 1639, let the
voters choose the governor. The voters could call the General Court into session if the governor failed to. The Fundamental Orders were democratic in that it gave the colonists a say in the government. Document 3 was created to have a representative government and voting rights within the colonies. Thomas Hooker was the first governor of Connecticut, and he wanted the government to be fair for the people. Document 3 resulted in Document 4 was created to keep people aware of the laws women were to abide by. Women could not vote, and were very unequal to men. If a women owned land, after marriage the land would belong to her husband. If divorced, the man would have custody of the children. Document 4 was very undemocratic. Women did not have a say in government. Document 5 was also undemocratic. Slaves did not have any rights at all. They were boarded on ships, taking the Middle Passage to America from Africa. They were used for triangular trade, and sold for money. On board, they were chained together, and stacked in piles on all decks, to fit a lot of them. Many died on the way, and their bodies were thrown overboard. In conclusion, the colonies were democratic. They had a representative government and gave colonists the right to vote, and have a say in their government.