The word “outsider” in Hinton’s eyes, would most probably mean something along the lines of “A person who is mistreated by society due to things that other people could draw connections with them”. for example, a thug, which is what is used in the actual book. …show more content…
In the title of the book in question “The Outsiders”, the name “outsiders” likely refers to the Greasers and the Soc’s, although at first thought one might assume that the title is referring to only greasers, but the greasers and the Soc’s are in the same boat.
they are both social outcasts for the activities, another reason one might think the greasers are the group the title is talking about is that the book places Soc’s on some sort of social throne that towers above everyone else, but in reality the Soc’s are just as socially outcast as the
In today’s time, outcasts still exist, there might just be amassed so-called “outcasts”, with an obvious blame on modern technology. outsiders nowadays are people such as, avid video game players, people who don’t receive enough physical activity as they are supposed to, and even intelligent people. since intelligence being caused by a lucky “roll” in “dis”abilities, such as ADHD, Turrets, ADD, and items in that category. In conclusion, There are, indeed, still outcasts in today’s society, although they are different kinds of people, especially with the younger generation’s interests progressively becoming that of a modern gang member.