Emma Jane marks
The outsider, Holden Caulfield is responsible for his own alienation. How far would you agree?
Focus on chapter 1-7
Define outsider -3 lines
Every paragraph - A03 argument
A02 methods and terms
A04 context
Holden Caulfield from the outset is an outsider and alienated from society. The technical term for an outsider is a person or thing excluded from or not a member of a set, group. We see that Holden is not really part of the society around him, from Pencey Prep at the start of the novel to when he travels to New York. The role of the outsider in literature is a vital one. Salinger often employs Holden’s point of view to show post war America which could be a cause of part of his alienation. Holden in ‘The Catcher and the Rye’ gives a narration through the eyes of one who is “so close yet so far” in terms of fitting in to the society in which they supposedly already belong. I believe that Holden’s unique character and look on other people makes him an outsider and that yes, Holden is responsible for his own alienation. I believe that one of the most important aspects of his outsider status is that Holden is an outsider because he isolated himself from the other not because others avoid interacting with him. We can see this from Holden saying ‘practically the whole school was there apart from me.’ This was Holden choosing now to go down to the game ,to walk off Saxon hill, this is proof of others not excluding him, this shows his alienation may be down to him. In other words Holden voluntarily became an outsider. We also see that Holden’s expectations for humanity are too high, so hardly anyone meets his standards; therefore, he dislikes most people and stays away from them. He only seems to see and pin point out the negative sides of a surrounding or a character for example when Holden talks about Ackley ‘Ackley is dirty, pimply, and all-around unhygienic.‘ this shows him making judgements of other people, trying to find a way