46. The smooth sustained contraction that is a result of a high frequency of stimulation is:…
Skeletal muscle contraction is a potential source of metabolic, mechanical, and thermal stressors. Therefore, the quality control of proteins and of organelles is particularly active in this tissue (Sandri).…
Muscular System: The muscular systems is responsible for maintaining posture, circulating blood, and movement. Visceral muscle is found inside of organs like the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels. The stomach secretes acid and enzymes that digest food. The muscular system also has another variant which is skeletal muscle. The skeletal muscles are attached to bones and move various parts of the body. The biceps, pectoralis major, triceps, nasalis, and deltoid are five major organs in the muscular system. The biceps main job is to control the movement of the elbow and shoulder. The pectoralis major make up most of the chest bulk. The triceps help extend and retract the forearm. The nasalis compress nasal cartilage. The deltoid is responsible…
Section I – Multiple choice: (65 points; 2.5 points each). Bubble your answers on your scantron.…
The onset of muscle fatigue has hindered many athletes from achieving their maximum performance. Over the years we have been taught that it is the build-up of lactic acid that is the downfall of muscle fatigue and soreness. This is only partially true; there is a little more to it than what we have been told. I hope that this article provides you with a possible short-term remedy and does not confuse you more but rather makes you more aware of what is going on when your muscles become fatigued. During short term (anaerobic) exercise, ATP and creatine phosphate (CP) are used up within the first 7 seconds of training. This signals the metabolism of glycogen to produce energy for your body.…
The latent period is the first stage of a muscle twitching. It is the time that elapses between the stimulus and its response.…
Describe the process that leads to each of the cellular adaptations (atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia, and dysplasia) (5 answers total 8 points each, 40 points total)…
Spinal muscular atrophy [SMA] is a disorder in which, you have a loss of motor neurons. Your muscle symmetry is often off. In addition, there is muscle weakness in your spinal cord. This occurs in a hard time sitting up and holding your head up on your own. It is just like when you are a newborn and you need a pillow to sit on the couch. A few major causes of SMA are loss of motor neuron cells or nerve cell. This mutation leads to a deficiency of motor neuron cells or nerve cells. The disorder SMA is tied to the gene "SMN1" and tied to chromosome 5. A few symptoms of this disorder are- difficulty breathing lack of oxygen, difficulty eating, floppy posture, small amount of movement, and all these symptoms will gradually get worse over time. All these symptoms are at about a mild level in the beginning.…
Muscular Atrophy is a decrease in the mass of a muscle. This leads to muscle weakness. An 84-year old thin white female with this disease will be in constant discomfort and is already lacking in muscle because of her age and size and will become weak due to the decrease of muscle mass. She will be unable to perform certain tasks or worsen the risks of accidents while performing normal daily activities such as walking. This disease is common among the elderly. (Wikipedia, 2013)…
When you exercise you breathe heavily because your body uses a lot of oxygen. Your body needs to transfer oxygen to your muscles quickly so they can work properly. Your muscles will fatigue quickly if you body fails to transport oxygen to your muscles. Anaerobic respiration is used to obtain energy. Less energy is released during anaerobic respiration creating a by-product (lactic acid).During anaerobic respiration oxygen is used to keep your muscles working. Red blood cells help to transport oxygen to your muscles. Oxygen debt is when at some point…
Please provide an example of Homeostasis and Negative Feedback in our environment. Be sure not to duplicate a classmates' answer.…
Much less energy is released during anaerobic respiration than during aerobic respiration. This is because the breakdown of glucose is incomplete.…
Our skeletal muscles make up 40-50% of our total mass and are essential for all humans to move, breath, and stand up straight. For the first 20 years of our lives and for those physically active after our muscles are continually growing. Satellite cells are responsible for this growth in our skeletal muscle and are referred to as muscle stem cells. When skeletal muscle cells are traumatized due to physical trauma or disease the regeneration process includes three general processes, destruction, regeneration and remodeling. What regulates these three processes? How are they signaled to initiate the cell cycle and what nutrients and systems do they require to carry out the processes…
6. One hour of hard exercise per day using one leg augmented the increase in the total creatine content of the exercised leg, but had no body effect in the collateral. In these subjects the mean total creatine content increased from 118.1 (sd 3.0) mmol/kg dry muscle before supplementation to 148.5 (sd 5.2) in the control leg, and to 162.2 (sd 12.5) in the exercised leg. Supplementation and exercise resulted in a total creatine content in one subject of 182.8 mmol/kg dry muscle, of which 112.0 mmol/kg dry muscle was in the form of…
Muscle fatigue occurs when the muscle fibres can no longer sustain this process and achieve the desired movement (in the case of this experiment hold the isometric contraction). Often muscle fatigue is the result of the demand for oxygen becoming greater than the supply, terminating or slowing the aerobic contraction. During the contraction, the muscle swells decreasing the flow of blood and thus the oxygen availability, almost like a tourniquet. However, this tourniquet also traps the bi products of the sliding filament model reaction and lactic acid begins to build up. This lactic acid is a prominent factor that indirectly causes muscle fatigue. Lactic acid is produced because of an increased dependency on glycolysis to generate energy to…