The way in which their society operates places one’s relationship with wealth above one’s relationship with other humans. This was in part because, the gentiles and the other marginalized groups in the society were treated poorly. But when Jesus came, he challenged these beliefs, practices and started to value human relationship above all else. I would argue that because Jesus started hanging out with the marginalized, he is demonstrating to them that he is here to equalize thing, to bring the year of jubilee for all regardless of whether they’re Jews or gentile. He is the savior of the world. And because he’s doing this at the time when the Pharisees are questioning him, and he’s answering while the gentiles are there, gives answers to individuals in both groups who might be curious as to why Jesus is interacting with the marginalized. Indeed, he has come to make all things new, to save the world and to help the Pharisees understand better the theology that they were
The way in which their society operates places one’s relationship with wealth above one’s relationship with other humans. This was in part because, the gentiles and the other marginalized groups in the society were treated poorly. But when Jesus came, he challenged these beliefs, practices and started to value human relationship above all else. I would argue that because Jesus started hanging out with the marginalized, he is demonstrating to them that he is here to equalize thing, to bring the year of jubilee for all regardless of whether they’re Jews or gentile. He is the savior of the world. And because he’s doing this at the time when the Pharisees are questioning him, and he’s answering while the gentiles are there, gives answers to individuals in both groups who might be curious as to why Jesus is interacting with the marginalized. Indeed, he has come to make all things new, to save the world and to help the Pharisees understand better the theology that they were