in The Pardoner’s pockets. The pardoner became so indulged in making money off repenting that he began to sell religious relicts, so more people could be forgiven of their sins. Brass crosses, animal bones, anything that portrayed he was working for God.
In Dante’s eight circle the punishment for Simony is gruesome. The committer is buried head first in a hole, with their legs sticking out of the ground. Their feet are then set on fire, and the size of the flame, heat, and duration depends of the severity pf the sin. Simonies are eventually replaced by worse simonies and the old ones sink into the ground to die. I think The Pardoner deserves to go to hell. If he would have just taken a few people’s donations, then learned his lesson then I do not think he should go to hell. However, he never stopped ripping off people, and the Church. In fact, he just kept getting worse and worse. First it was taking donations. Then he carried around a bag of false relicts to seem religious. Next he proceeded to sell them. Lastly, he begins to preach sermons about greed! Which is quite honestly the biggest contradiction to date. When it came to the burning of The Pardoner’s feet, I would make it whatever the duration of time he committed the Simony, so months, to even years. When it came to the heat of the pain, I would do it just enough to pain him, but also low enough to keep him alive so he can suffer. I do not think the punishment is to harsh, and I think this punishment is justified through The Pardoner’s actions.