The short story titled “The Parsley Garden” by William Saroyan, is about an eleven year old boy named Al Condraj who lives in Fresno, Ca. The problem that Al goes through is that he unintentionally steals a hammer from a store. Although he did not measure the consequences of his actions, he learned from his mistakes and redeems his honor.…
Throughout the centuries, there have been an infinite amount of literary works written by a sea of authors that write a variety of genres. All of these works are precious in their own way, and even if their theme is similar to that of another, the author always ads a bit of his/her own flare in order to make said literary creation unique in some way. William Wordsworth’s “London 1802” and Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “Douglass”, although quite similar in form and sentence structure, do add their own flare through the use of specific details. Through the use of these devices, the speakers show their disgust for the evil deeds humans do and attempt to change them.…
The first way the author teaches us that revenge is guilt is through this quote "For a brief moment I hesitated- I trembled." This shows us that even though he wanted revenge hes had a thought of sympathy and second guessing on his decision. He showed mercy for awhile. A thought of instant brought him back to his way.…
Revenge puts off an aroma of evil to the outside world when a person seeks to pay someone back for the wrong committed against them. There seems to be no laws against declaring revenge against a neighbor in our country, but society should know that revenge lends no reconciliation to either party. Also, who truly decides the guilty party when both have committed a wrong towards each other? Mr. Chiu, a character in Ha Jin’s story “The Saboteur,” makes the transition from vacationer and victim of saboteur, to the very essence and definition of saboteur; Jin’s use of role-reversal in this story conveys the concept of revenge clearly and effectively.…
"I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death," the author implies. In the short story, "The Scarlet Ibis" the author, James Hurst demonstrates, through life several mistakes and decision, create a thankful or regretful feeling. The author uses symbolism, characterization and flashback to develop the theme.…
William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” has a dynamic character, Sarty, whose individual maturity increases throughout the story and initiates a moral and healthy lifestyle for him. In this story, Sarty is faced with a lot of drama regarding his family and this helps him build his personal maturity to truly evaluate the negative and positive aspects of his life. The short story “Barn Burning” is defined as an initiation story because Sarty, the 10-year-old boy goes through the right of passage. In the beginning of the story Sarty defends his vindictive father, Abner Snopes, later he feels joy when he sees this beautiful house and his father owes twenty bushels for ruining the rug and finally at the end he speaks of his father in the past. One of the major external conflicts is between Sarty and his father because Sarty knows that burning barns is immoral, but he is afraid of his dad and will not speak up.…
Perhaps the most distinctive indication of a great short story is the ability of an author to develop an important internal theme in order to portray a specific message to the audience about the nature of reality. In the short stories, “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “An Act of Vengeance” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Isabel Allende respectively, there exists a common internal theme of female powerlessness. While both “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “An Act of Vengeance” employ a common theme of female oppression, “The Yellow Wallpaper” uses it to analyze a protagonist who loses her mind as a result and “An Act of Vengeance” uses it to analyze a protagonist who loses her will to live as a result. In this paper, I will describe the unique way in which the theme of female oppression is embedded into Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”. I will then explain how Allende’s “An Act of Vengeance” also reveals the similar theme of female oppression. Finally, I will evaluate the difference between “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “An Act of Vengeance” despite the use authors’ utilization of the same internal theme.…
In the short story, “Marigolds” by Eugenia W. Collier, the protagonist, Lizabeth learns a very big life lesson that has been conflicting within herself during adolescence because she discovers the value of compassion and hope. In the beginning of the story, Lizabeth’s innocence makes her infantile to the real world. As she realizes how complex people are, she becomes paralyzed and wants to escape from the circumstance that she is facing right now. At the end of the story, Lizabeth experiences a “painful poignancy” because she wants to go back and change the past; however, she could not, so she empathizes with Miss Lottie and is still wistful to the action that she did every single time (5). The regret that Lizabeth feels after destroying the…
Revenge, the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for their wrongdoings against another, is characterized as a corruption of the mind of the affected individual. Throughout the history of literature, countless authors have incorporated the theme of revenge into their works. For example, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingworth seeks revenge on Minister Dimmesdale because of his crime committed with Hester. Similarly, in William Shakespeare’s, Othello, Iago devises an evil plan to avenge Othello of his rumored sin.…
The short stories “Young Goodman Brown”, by Nathanial Hawthorne, and “The Cask of Amontillado”, by Edgar Allen Poe, use dramatic irony more than any other type of irony. They both use symbols, imagery, and foreshadowing to connect to mostly dramatic irony that reveals to characters in the stories having evil intentions. However, these literary devices and ironic situations also lead to different items in each short story.…
In William Faulkner's 1939 short story "Barn Burning," a young boy, Colonel Sartoris Snopes (Sarty), is faced with and forced to endure the abusive and destructive tendencies of his father, Abner Snopes. As the story unfolds, several examples can be found to illustrate Faulkner's use of symbolism to allow the reader to sense the disgust for Abner Snopes, the significance in the lack of color usage throughout the story, and finally, Sarty's journey.…
Like many tragedies, Shakespeare’s Hamlet does not fail to provide readers with tales of fervent, bloody revenge which satisfies the primal impulses of characters in the play, wrought on by unjust murder and a desire for vengeance. With a temperamental demeanor and mercurial mood, Laertes is portrayed in many instances as a brash, near irrational son whose desire to avenge his father’s death leads to both verbal and physical conflict. Even Hamlet himself enjoys his own moments of frustration, slandering his duplicitous and incestuous uncle in private scenes and soliloquies. Unlike many traditional revenge tales, however, Hamlet also illuminates the question of the morality of revenge itself: whether or not the adage of “an eye for an eye” may…
The Monkey Garden by Sandra Cisneros is a story about a girl named Esperonza who gets lost in the struggle between childhood and adolescence. The theme is childrens unwillingness to drop the lifestyle of childhood and take on the challenges and demands of yung adulthood.…
Out of the many poems we’ve analyzed throughout the week, one particular poem that stood out to me was “The Thief,” by Abraham Crowley. This poem interested me first because the whole idea of the poem was written to be a metaphor. To begin, the title, “The Thief,” makes the reader first and foremost predicted the poem to be one of despair or deceit as the word has a negative connotation to it. Many readers, just as I did, believed that the poem would have a sorrow tone.…
Foremost, in the short story “The Possibility of Evil”, Miss Adela Strangeworth writes suspicious letters to several peers such as Don Crane about the possible evil lurking in her town, believing that “if one of [her people were] in trouble she ought to know about it” (Jackson 7), to which Don Crane replies, “LOOK OUT AT WHAT USED TO BE YOUR ROSES” (Jackson 8). As such, Miss Strangeworth and the people in her town have a totalitarian relationship, where her superiority lets her spiteful to other people, where a rebellious subject under her acts upon his instinct to overthrow her authority. Accordingly, when a character is out of line conforming to the author’s opinion about how humans should act around others, the character receives a form of punishment administered by the author. Furthermore, in the short story “Ambush”, a boy named Roger shoots an unsuspecting Joey Bacon with a water gun, and as a result, reacts violently by throwing a rock at his head; seven years later, an officer informs Joey’s mother that he had “died in an ambush near Khe Sanh” (Woodward 1). Whether this short story was biographical, as the protagonist and the author coincidentally have the same first name, the author incorporates this early rivalry between the two characters as a way to distance themselves, creating a conflict where Roger ultimately is not interested in Joey’s demise, believing it as poetic justice and revenge upon him as a result of his injuries. In the same way, within the realm of fiction, authors chasten characters who have done wrong doings against other characters like a physical wound, intentionally reflecting modern societal standards of how humans must treat each other on an equal basis, or else the author, representing an existential force, levels the ranks between them, delivering…