The short story titled “The Parsley Garden” by William Saroyan, is about an eleven year old boy named Al Condraj who lives in Fresno, Ca. The problem that Al goes through is that he unintentionally steals a hammer from a store. Although he did not measure the consequences of his actions, he learned from his mistakes and redeems his honor.…
The restaurant has a reputation of delivering quality service to customers over the past 3 years.…
In The Book Thief, guilt can be found as a recurring theme, especially in the cases of Hans Hubermann and Max. In a deeper analysis, the reason as to how and why can be answered.…
Throughout the story “Dane” written by David Adams Richards, the poor friend of the main character, changes significantly. As the young boy gets older, his life begins to deteriorate. In the beginning the 5-year-old boy is a normal child but earns his own money so he can enjoy his childhood activities. As the boy gets older he begins to get into trouble by drinking and stealing. He dropped out of school even though he was top of his class, after he spend a few days with a ‘better off family’ during his hockey trip. Towards the end of the story he becomes an alcoholic, and briefly reconnects with his childhood friend, before being killed in a car accident.…
In Gail Tsukiyama's The Samurai's Garden Stephen is sent from his homeland in China to Japan to recover from tuberculosis. In his journey to recovery he begins to learn from the culture of the Japanese. Stephen soon discovers that Matsu, the family's servant, shows quintessential characteristics of Japanese culture. Matsu's traits can often be compared to those of medieval Japanese warriors. Throughout Samurai's Garden, Matsu shows characteristics of a true samurai.…
In the story “The Parsley Garden” a boy named Al Condraj steals a hammer. Al Condraj gets caught stealing. He gets set off with a warning, hating the men that made him feel embarrassed. He builds up courage and pride to go into the store and work out a better way to get the hammer. Al Condraj gave a valuable lesson about the story.…
Next, this unit taught me that there’s something to be learned from every experience. The story “Star Food” is about a young boy, named Dade, who works at his parent’s grocery store. He spends most of his time daydreaming on the rooftop, avoiding work. His father does not encourage him to miss work, while his mother supports him. In the story we are introduced to a character, a woman, who steals something some bread from the store. Dade watched it all happen but, he didn’t try to stop her. He had stopped people for stealing and confronted, but not this time. Then, it happened again. The same woman came in and she stole some pineapple juice. After she had stolen again Dade began to really think about what he wanted. He said “I tried to discover…
In Parsley Garden, William implies that working hard for what you want brings more value to that object. Al was looking through the store with no money to spend. “I didn’t mean to steal it. I just needed it and I haven’t got any money.” As a kid taking things without purchasing is easy either you get away with it or get caught. But think about it, as time fly’s by stealing becomes a habit and this can lead u…
Matsu was the Samurai in the novel “The Samurai’s Garden”. You may hear about legends and heros in your lifetime that have done great deeds to the world. You will also hear about heros on your local news channel, or even your local newspaper. However, you do not have to be known by everyone around the world to be a hero or a legend. You can be a legend in your state, or even in your local community. Matsu was a legend, hero, and also a warrior in China, in his small town Yamaguchi.…
In “The White circle,”by John Bell Clayton, Anvil, a poor boy who has an abusive father, is caught stealing apples from a boy named Tucker’s apple tree. Later in the story, Tucker talks about when he had befriended Anvil after he observed the hurting that lay over Anvil due to his father’s sadistic beating that he inflicted on him while he was at school. Though Tucker tries to help, Anvil shows no regrets towards Tucker and eventually pushes Tucker over the edge when Tucker tries to kill Anvil. After the near escape of Anvil with his life, Tucker felt the weight of regret settle upon his…
A young boy, Louie stole and caused trouble around his hometown in Torrance, California. All he wanted to do was steal. Although he often ran from the police after breaking the law, Louie often gave away the…
Thieves and robbers had their own language they called, “Peddlar’s French.” A ‘nipper’ was a person who cut off purses from peoples belts, ‘priggeres of prancers’ were horse thieves, and ‘coney-catchers’ were swindlers who tricked people out of their…
The Monkey Garden by Sandra Cisneros is a story about a girl named Esperonza who gets lost in the struggle between childhood and adolescence. The theme is childrens unwillingness to drop the lifestyle of childhood and take on the challenges and demands of yung adulthood.…
When a person has been made to feel humiliated and worthless, they will not rest until that nagging feeling in their heart has felt vengeance. This is the case in the short story The Parsley Garden written by William Saroyan. Saroyan demonstrates Al’s loss of honour through characterization and use of symbols.First, he feels as if he should walk back into the store he stole from and tell off the young man who had caught him or even try and steal the hammer again without getting caught. He then is offered money to pay for the hammer he was originally trying to steal. At last he felt he needed to take matters into his own hand and work for the hammer. Al discovers that there are many ways to find revenge, but very few leave a person truly satisfied.…
The Greek virgin goddess Athena, later called Minerva by the Romans, was the goddess of wisdom, war, strategy, crafts, and cities. Athena was an important member of the Olympic Pantheon. She was born fully armed from the forehead of Zeus, the chief god. Athena was Zeus's favorite child. He entrusted her with the Aegis, his breastplate, and with his thunderbolt. Athena's role as a goddess varied. She was a major warrior and took on many fierce battles. She was noted for her wisdom, which explained her close association with the owl, an ancient symbol of wisdom and reason. Athena longed for peace and wisdom rather than war.…