This so called system is seen time and time again throughout paradise, especially in one instance where some town representatives meet to talk about a young girl who was assaulted. The group is comprised of only men, including the perpetrator, and this group comprises the so called judge and jury. When the men reach a decision they inquire of the victim’s father if she will accept the judgement. To which he responds “I am her father. I’ll arrange her mind” (150). Given the circumstances and that the …show more content…
T.D. a young man in the town of Ruby who gets a 15 year old girl pregnant, hits her when she confronts and challenges him. This continues the strikingly relevant occurrence of abuse that is evident throughout Paradise. T.D. quickly assumes that these actions are a direct challenge to his authority and instead of reasoning and talking to her, he instead assaults her. As Ms. Peterson speaks on in “On Slut Shaming and Rape Culture”, women are not viewed as something to be cherished or protected, but “something” for men to impose their will