“The Patriot”, Is a dramatic and affectionate film depicting a determined man’s quest to annihilate British forces during the Revolutionary war with the assistance of his local militia. The film possesses various accurate characteristics such as some states offering freedom to African Americans serving in the war for a period of three years. Though the film does express appropriate scenes it does have its flaws. For instance, the main character Benjamin Martin was based off of five other historical figures, the weaponry was ahead of its time, and the church massacre never happened.
First, Benjamin Martin was a character placed in the movie because of controversy. He was primarily based off of Francis
Marion. (Others include: Elijah Clarke, Daniel Morgan, Andrew Pickens, and Thomas Sumter.) These historical figures all contributed in the militia or continental army during the war. Basically, Benjamin Martin is a fictional character and did not exist during the actual war. His actions and personalities were all based off the combination of the five historical figures, mainly Francis Marion. In addition, Benjamin Martin’s actions were primarily based off of Francis Marion. For instance, Francis camped in a swamp just as Martin did and before the war and both did take part in the French-Indian war in the south. During the actual war Francis had been a target of Lt Colonel Tarleton (as Tavington targeted Martin.) Furthermore, the militia wreaked havoc on the British forces until General Nathanael Greene arrived to assist. In result, Martin coordinated the troops to retake the south just as Marion did during the actual war. The in accuracy in the character takes away the real atmosphere of the Revolutionary war because this character was combination of other historical figures.
Consequently, during the actual war, the weaponry consisted of muskets, cannons, swords, and Flintlock pistols. In the film the weaponry was identical, but the armies used explosive projectiles or cannonballs. At this time, such weapons did not exist. In result, the battles in the film were falsely shown because the explosive projectiles did tremendous damage to both sides. During the actual war, cannonballs were used to destroy buildings and inflict damage on men and horses. Overall, the film gave a good and bad impression of battles because they did use most of the weapons during the time, but the explosive cannonballs can throw off the actual events of the Revolutionary war by removing the real characteristics of the war.
Subsequently, there was a scene in the film where Colonel Tavington who was inspired by Lt Colonel Tarleton had deliberately burned a church with a group of townspeople in it. In reality, this despairing event never occurred. In result, the audience was a given a really bad impression of the British and most importantly, Tavington. (Lt Colonel Tarleton) This event falsely illustrates the actions towards the colonists. The closest thing to a massacre Lt Colonel Tarleton committed was a controversial killing of Continental soldiers who surrendered at the battle of Waxhaw.
Ultimately, The Patriot’s depiction of the Revolutionary War is mostly correct, but the incorrect characteristics are capable of giving the audience an incorrect impression of the war. The British burning the church and non-existing weapons can throw off the audience. Though the film had made up some events/people, it still demonstrates how the war occurred thoroughly with a combination strong emotion and determination through the characters.