Fina Exam
Honors English II
12 February 2012
The Pearl
Fina Exam
Honors English II
12 February 2012
This novel is not just a narrative about a native finding a precious jewel and who is overcome with fear, obsession and anger. This novel is a story of how a simple sense of greed can destroy a man’s morals, and view on what is really important.
In The Pearl, the reader sees how the Europeans had a sense of control over the natives. The mind control that the Europeans had over the natives is very present. There are examples of the doctor in Kino’s community trying to swindle, manipulate, and mislead Kino. When the doctor learns of Kino’s pearl, he uses Coyotito’s sickness to try and take the pearl from them. Not knowing …show more content…
The music does not change my perception of Kino. I feel that anyone who has been belittled, disrespected and underestimated for so long and finally finds a way to better himself, would become obsessed with whatever that way may be. Nevertheless, it changes my perception of the natives and the Renaissance period as a whole. I feel that the music would affect each reader differently. The music has such a powerful role in the book that some readers might take if differently as others. The use of music in this novel gives you hope and …show more content…
On page 31 it explains how the doctor gives Coyotito the medicine for the scorpion bite. The doctor puts the pill in the back of Coyotitio’s throat. This is how you give an animal a pill. On page 11, the doctor was talking to one of his servants about Coyotitio. The doctor referred to taking care of Coyotito as if he were taking care of an animal “[doctor] Have I nothing better to do than to cure insect bites for ‘little Indians’?” “I am a doctor, not a veterinary. When Kino was being hunted by the trackers, this made him look animalistic. The trackers hunted him and stalked him until they got him at the right time and attacked. This is a way of exploiting the natives because it diminished Kino as a person and it diminished Kino’s race’s character as a people. It shows them being at the same level as