
The Pearl Greed

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The Pearl Greed
What choices will you make?

There was a quote that was once stated, “Your life is a result of the choices you make.” This saying relates back to my feelings that the human experience is governed by choice. Reading about Kino in “The Pearl” becoming greedy. The poem “Hotrodders” about taking risks and “Lullaby for 17” choosing not to listen to someone who is older and wiser. Reading these texts have made me believe life is based on the choices you make.

Kino chose to make bad choices and it ended up hurting him in the future. Kino, in “The Pearl,” became greedy through his choices. Kino found the pearl of the world and took it to the pearl buyers to get it priced. The pearl buyers would not give him the money he wanted and because of that he turned greedy. However, the pearl buyer did offer him money. In the novella it said, “I can give you, say, a thousand pesos” (Steinbeck 59). This proves Kino was offered money but it was his choosing to want more and not take it. Kino doesn’t know it now but in the future he
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In the poem “Lullaby for 17,” the mom knew what was the best for her daughter, but the daughter chose to get back into the relationship. In the poem it stated, “I tried to teach you what I know: how men in their sudden beauty are more dangerous.” The mom was warning the girl about boys, but because she went back to him, she is now in a heartbreak. The girl is in pain because the man that she thought she could trust ended up hurting her. The poem helped me believe that by quoting this, “Now you look upon pain as a discovery all your own.” Some may argue that it’s fate they shouldn’t be together, and that she learned a lesson to listen to someone with more wisdom. The daughter may have learned a lesson, but it was her choice to not listen to the advice her mom gave. Now that she didn't listen, she ended up in

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