The pearl show kino that,” coyotito sitting on a desk and writing on paper”(steinbeck 13). This show hope because the pearl show that coyotito can have an education. This made the reader happy that kino hope for an education for coyotito comes true. This happen in the world because many parents wants their children to have an education. To be exact the author use hope to describe kino, when he saw hope in the future in the pearl. Steinbeck skillfully uses the Pearl as a symbol to illustrate the emotion of defiance. First, Kino sees his wife leave the house and takes the Pearl and made kino mad. When Juanna hears kino footstep,” she got up leaped and kino took the Pearl and kick Juanna”(Steinbeck 21). Kino sees his wife took the Pearl which made Kino angry. This made the reader angry because he don’t care for his wife and made him change when he kick his wife. This happen in the world because many families fight each other's for valuables. Next, the killing man puts a great hole into kino’s boat. When Kino get to his boat,” he saw that there was a great hole on the bottom”(Steinbeck 32). This support defiance because someone destroy kino’ property made him angry. This happen in the world because someone want your valuables can destroy your …show more content…
Kino know that,” the house was torn up and everything turned out”(Steinbeck 33). Support defiance because the man already destroy kino canoe, now burning his house will made Kino have revenge. This happen in the world because many people do dangerous deeds to get things they want. To be exact, the author chooses the symbol defiance to describe kino when his boat and house is destroyed or when Juanna try to throw the Pearl back to the ocean. Steinbeck skillfully use the Pearl as a symbol to illustrate the emotions of despair. First, kino sees a great hole on the bottom of his canoe, making Kino have sorrow in Kino’ range.Next, when Kino get to his boat, he saw,” a great hole on the bottom of the canoe”(Steinbeck 32). The Pearl symbolizes despair since the canoe was past down from father to son, now it broken. This made the reader sad because Kino won’t have the canoe to pass on to Coyotito. This happen in the world because the father wanted to pass things to their son but might be destroyed or