My family is a immense part of my life and I'm truly grateful to have been blessed with the most astounding and supportive family. As much as I am a social butterfly and love being with my friends, I also really enjoy spending time with my family, both immediate and extended. Growing up as an only child for most of my life, my parents undoubtedly had the ability to spoil me at certain times. And …show more content…
From an early age, I would cry and beg if for some reason we couldn't go to church. Church and religion are a huge part of my everyday life and Sunday mornings are one of my favorite times every week. Throughout the years in church as my relationship with God has strengthened and my faith in God has been solidified, I have learned many life lessons and things about how to treat people and as well as what to do, and what not to do. These things that I've learned and continue to learn in church and by reading the bible, are further reiterated by my family and friends that believe as well and are implemented into my everyday life. As much as I wish I could be perfect, I know I am not and I have made mistakes and will contain to make mistakes, but I'm trying my best and I know things will be alright as long as I keep my faith strong and don't worry so much about the challenges and little things in life, as I know I can get through them and they won't matter in the long …show more content…
I cannot think of very many decisions I make in my life that don't have to do with my peers in one way or another. From the clothes I wear, to the way I act and the things I do, my peers are always in the back of my mind. While sometimes this can be a good thing, and as hard as I try to surround myself with the best people as possible, sometimes it still is such a negative thing that I’ve learned to do from such a young age. Growing up I remember comparing my toys to others and the comparing hasn't stopped as I’ve gotten older, and if anything it only has got worse. Comparing myself to others also has a significant relation to my actions. Many times I find myself enjoying doing the same things my friends like doing and other times I find myself doing things I haven't done before just because my friends all do