* Lived experience has a structural nexus that gives the experience its central idea/ dominant theme. Different experiences may have a similar core idea/ theme behind them.…
Qualitative research is used to give meaning to life experiences and conditions. It’s an individual approach and logical. It is “interpretive, humanistic, and naturalistic and is concerned with understanding the meaning of social interactions by those involved”(Burns & Grove, 2011). Qualitative research is most appropriate when conducting research to promote understanding of human experiences and circumstances and develop theories that describe these experiences. Qualitative research seems to be an effective method of investigating human emotional responses. An example would be interviewing 100 elderly patients to find out what their main health concerns are.…
"The Savior is not a silent observer. He Himself knows personally and infinitely the pain we face."…
For my written assignment I chose to do it based on the movie ‘The Phenom’.…
As we discussed in class, hermeneutics allow people read the same text and come away with a different meaning. A prime example of this is the difference in opinions between Muslims and fundamental Christians. Muslims use science to confirm and further back up their beliefs, while fundamental Christians stick to what is in the bible to confirm their beliefs.…
In qualitative study, sample size are usually small that achieve in-depth understanding of the experiences or feeling of the participants (Polit and Beck, 2012). Meanwhile, a semi-structured interview was used to collect data by codding participants’ ideas arising until no more new themes emerging. According to Polit and Beck (2012), semi-structured interview can provide rich and detailed information during phenomenon study. In this study, a phenomenological approach was used to described the aim of the research. It is to understand the experiences of diabetic patients…
Participant observation has a wide range of advantages. When observing people, validity is a huge advantage as it can obtain huge amounts of rich, qualitative data. This also helps the observer the get an overview of how people really live. Some supporters of participant observation argue that this is the method’s main strength, however there are many more. The best way for someone to understand what something is like is to experience it first-hand themselves. Sociologists call this personal or subjective understanding, ‘verstehen’, which is a German word meaning ‘empathy’, or an understanding that comes from putting yourself into another person’s position.…
The goal underpinned by phenomenological research method is the description of a lived experience entrenched in a phenomenon. It is qualitative analysis utilized for narrative data. However, methods for the process of analysis of its data can differ from more traditional or quantitative methods of research. In addition to this, the underlying purpose of this approach is to give an insight of a specific phenomenon for its identification and the manner involved in its perception. Phenomenological research is associated with the paradigm presented by personal knowledge as well as significant emphasis on the importance of the personal perspective and interpretations (Corley, 2011).…
Yes, this study uses phenomenological approach which can reflects one’s experience and feelings( Parahoo 1997) as the frame of the design of this research, this can logically making abstract materials into qualitative data for a research. Since quantitative research aims of numerical and accountable result (Denzin, Lincoln [2000] ), it is not suitable to use quantitative approach to investigate feelings and experience.…
This research is a qualitative study using the phenomenological-hermenetic method. Parahoo (2006) states that qualitative research explores the individual’s beliefs and life experiences in order to gain an in depth-insight, and tries to understand human behaviours .Phenomenology focuses on people with lived experience which aims to find out the full picture of the participant’s own point of view during certain events in life. (Macnee, 2004).…
Clinical Question The clinical question that sustain the research of a descriptive article is: How can moral compass allow nurses to act ethically in the way to provide patient with better outcome after discharge? This clinical question arises from the following issue: Lack of nursing moral compass and impact of ethical practice.…
As for epistemologically, I view phenomological approaches to be based in a paradigm of personal…
A phenomenology qualitative interview study has been proposed as an opportunity to gain valuable insights (Barsanti, 2014) into how community college leaders perceive organizational inequity (Clifford, 2017). More specifically, gaining an in-depth knowledge about Texas community college leaders perceptions, motivations and attitudes may unveil persistent gender advancement conflicts (Hague & Okpala, 2017), within organizations that must be addressed. The beneficial underpinnings and framework of this study are anchored upon leadership exploration that may identify, explore and ultimately assist in perceptions, motivations and attitudes that could possibly diminish gender inequality (Thebaud, 2015). Additionally,…
THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF MIND ...........................................................................................................1 G. W. F. HEGEL ......................................................................................................................................1 PREFACE: ON SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE......................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................28 A. CONSCIOUSNESS(1).................................................................................................................................33 I. CERTAINTY AT THE LEVEL OF SENSE−EXPERIENCE−THE "THIS", AND "MEANING" ........................................................................................................................................34 II. PERCEPTION: OR THINGS AND THEIR DECEPTIVENESS(1) .............................................39 III. FORCE AND THE UNDERSTANDING−THE WORLD OF APPEARANCE AND THE SUPERSENSIBLE WORLD(1) ...........................................................................................................46 B. SELF−CONSCIOUSNESS(1)......................................................................................................................60 IV. THE TRUTH WHICH CONSCIOUS CERTAINTY OF SELF REALIZES ..............................60 THE TRUTH WHICH CONSCIOUS CERTAINTY OF SELF REALIZES ....................................60 A. INDEPENDENCE AND DEPENDENCE OF SELF−CONSCIOUSNESS..................................64 LORDSHIP AND BONDAGE ............................................................................................................64 B. FREEDOM OF SELF−CONSCIOUSNESS: STOICISM: SCEPTICISM: THE UNHAPPY CONSCIOUSNESS…
The rationale behind my choice to use Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) is because it works well with transcripts of semi-structured interview (Willig, 2009), which was the data collection method used in the study. It is suggested that IPA is likely to offer a more detailed and nuanced analysis of the lived experience of a small number of participants with an emphasis on the convergence and divergence between participants (Smith, 2008), Smith, (2008) further added that IPA is a suitable approach when one is trying to find out how individuals perceive the particular situation they are facing and how they make sense of their personal and social world.…