Classical liberalism specifically puts emphasis on a couple of key areas, individual sovereignty, and property rights. Classic liberals encourage "laissez-faire" public policy
that did not place undue burden on commerce or industry. Classical liberal theorist believe that individuals should be free to pursue their own self-interests without interference from society or being under any restraint. They believe that individuals should have the ability to seek positions from the highest-paying employers. Keeping in line with their theory on human behavior and the free market, labor and capital would therefore receive the greatest possible reward and production of goods would meet consumer demand.
Because Classical liberals believed that poor urban conditions were inevitable they opposed any income or wealth redistribution. Classical liberals agreed with Adam Smith that government had only three essential functions: protection against foreign invaders, protection of citizens from wrongs committed against them by other citizens, and building and maintaining public institutions and public works that the private sector could not profitably provide. Classical liberals extended protection of the country to protection of overseas markets through armed intervention. Protection of individuals against wrongs normally meant protection of private property. Public works included a stable currency, standard weights and measures, support of roads, canals, harbors, and railways, and postal and other communications services that facilitated urban and industrial development.
Finally, classical liberals theorized that unrestricted commerce with other nations would eventually eliminate war and imperial conflicts. Through peaceful, harmonious trade relationships, established by private merchants and companies without government interference, mutual national interest and prosperity would derive from commercial exchange rather than imperial territorial acquisition (which liberals saw as the root of all wars). World peace, for classical liberals, was a real possibility if national governments would allow interdependent global commercial relationships to form.