The Black Plague that arose in Europe stemmed back from fleas in Mongolia. These specific fleas harbored a deadly, non-mobile bacteria known as the Y. pestis and could be found normally on the marmots native to Mongolia. Consequently, it would be natives to Mongolia, the Mongol Warriors, to spread this infectious, fatal disease to the populations of Eurasia by ushering black rats contaminated with the very specific fleas that were home to Y. pestis. From the Mongol Warriors, the disease continued to spread its way to China and eventually the Merchants from Genoese unintentionally unfurled the disease’s wrath upon Europe through the silk road to Caffa and soon to
The Black Plague that arose in Europe stemmed back from fleas in Mongolia. These specific fleas harbored a deadly, non-mobile bacteria known as the Y. pestis and could be found normally on the marmots native to Mongolia. Consequently, it would be natives to Mongolia, the Mongol Warriors, to spread this infectious, fatal disease to the populations of Eurasia by ushering black rats contaminated with the very specific fleas that were home to Y. pestis. From the Mongol Warriors, the disease continued to spread its way to China and eventually the Merchants from Genoese unintentionally unfurled the disease’s wrath upon Europe through the silk road to Caffa and soon to