Have you ever wondered about the plague “According to the cdc the plague was the most horrific disease in history’’(history of the plague).The plague was found in 1855 then spread to india months later.The cause for the plague is rodents such as rats,fleas,mice,raccoons,etc.the way they transmitt the disease if the rodent bites you,scratches you and also by bodily fluids.in the outbreaks back then were horriable the plague has killed almost 25 millon people in 1352 thats almost half of europs popation(epicdemics of the past).The plague has alot of sytoms killing the host of the virus slowly with a lot of pain.the plague has been around almost since the beginng of time(history of the plague).the plague has many cases every year so …show more content…
people want to know the back round of the disease,how is it trasmitted,is their a cure,who survived the disease,and whats the futre of the disease.
The plague is made up of the bacterium yersinia pesitis it circulates among rodents(ole j.
bendictow).the plague is transmitted by rodents rats/mice etc.By a scratch or a bite and by holding a infected animal who had the virus.the symtoms for the plague include dirrhaea,nausea,vommiting,shortness of breath,headace and chills(symtoms of the plague cdc).alot of people back then were very likely to get the disease due to rodent infesations and from not so clean places.the disease rarly jumped person to person back then because of people kept their distance but most people just got the disease by a infected animal(disease and …show more content…
Is there a cure for the plague?
Yes there is a cure for the plague it's very strong antibiotics.The plague is a very serious illness but treatable with strong antibiotics the earlier the patient receives help the better are the chances of recovery(diagnoses and treatments cdc).the treatment for this disease are not harsh but if not treated you could die.since technology is so advanced in today's world the vaccine for the plague are getting stronger(james feely daily science).The plague vaccine is used to prevent the disease from spreading through the body.scientist are still working on cures for the plague to eliminate the disease.(cdc and
The lucinda marker survival story one day lucinda and her husband went to new mexico for a visit. after they came back from new mexico she felt really sick she thought she had the flu so she stayed home for a couple of days. Then she started to grow blacks bumps all over her skin after she saw the black bumps on her skin she immediately went to the hospital. When the doctors were examining her they could not believe she had the black plague since their was not a case in years.The doctors said she was lucky to come before the more serious symptoms came in.lastly she was in the hospital for a few days in pain she was hooked up with strong antibiotics she was cured a week later.she said “it was the worst pain she has ever felt in her life(the guardian.com).
How does the future look like for the plague? The bacteria yersinia pestis could evolve and start spreading in the future.The plague still kills thousands every and these findings suggest a new strain of the plague could emerge in the future(science 20).if it does spread in the future history could repeat itself and could wipe out half the population.thousands of cases are reported each year in the united states. In the future scientist want to give people more warning and awareness because the disease could reemerge in the future repeating history.
In conclusion the scientist said that “maybe the plague will be around for hundreds of years more causing more cases to happen’’(future of the disease cdc).the plague has infected lots of people every year they want to know how the disease started,how does it pass person to person,can this virus be cured,who survived the virus,and how will it affect us in the future.so if you were wondering about the disease you already know the information. Perhaps, the plague is a horrible disease but it going to say for a long time.