The Truman show and the shifting heart the most dramatic in the “shifting heart”is experienced by one of the characters Clarry.from a relatively in sensitive person with conformist and racist Clarry develops into a man perceptive and sensitive to the culture of his wife’s family.
Clarry’s racists attitudes are evident in a number of scenes at the start of the play.For example ,on a number of occasions when Clarry is speaking with Poppa,his father in law and a man much older than him,he addresses him as “boy”.in the context of post-war Australian values that were quite intolerant towards the recent immigrants,like the biancis, this is a typical condescending attitude.
At another instant Clarry appears extremely conformist and inmaticalling t o understanding the bianci’s is when he refuses to take Gino into business.inspite of the enterties of his wife,clarry says that he doesn’t “want no trouble”. What he means by this is that taking a foreigner into partnership,although he is working on equal forums with clarry and is also ,his brother in law ,would be frowned upon yb society which treats foriegners with prejudice and which Clarry himself is a part of.
Towards the latter parts of the play,however ,Clarry begins to change. The audience first notices the change during clarry’s conversation with Lukie the officers who symbolizes authority ,just after the news of Gino’s death becomes known to the