Professor Hawk
English Comp II
15 April, 2013
The Positive Effect of Social Media Since the birth of social media people have argued whether it has a positive or negative effect on society. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give people a chance to stay connected. Although, with the power of social media comes the possibility of cyber bullying. While there are some negatives associated with social media, the positives in communication all around, has made the world stronger and a better place to live in. Social networking can benefit businesses greatly. These sites allow businesses to advertise and market services to a large audience, and since a profile is free to set up, the advertisement is essentially free. Numerous businesses have created profiles that provide information about the business to advertise in a cost effective way. Businesses gain attention on social networks because the business profile is available to all users of the social network to see. Also businesses like to use social networks to learn what potential employees are like, and make decisions based on the information provided on the person's profile. Social networking sites allow people to communicate and remain in contact with friends as well as meet new people. These sites allow people to find others with similar interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another. Groups can be joined or formed to meet people with similar interests, and views. Social networking allows for creative expression by using tools such as blogging and messaging to post ideas and stories. Events can be made and friends can be invited rather than having to mail invitations. Friends can also RSVP for an event on the site. ("Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media") Staying in touch with friends is also made easier. Social media has made it easy to share photos and chat with friends who live down the street or across the globe. (Ali, Syed N.)
Cited: Ali, Imtiaz. "Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Society." TechBead RSS. N.p., 25 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. < negative-effects-of-social-media-on-society/>. Ali, Syed N. "Social Media - A Good Thing or a Bad Thing?" RSS. Social Media Today, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. < ali/608781/social-media-good-thing-or-bad-thing>. Dunn, Jeff. "Edudemic." Edudemic. N.p., 11 July 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. "Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media" 07 2012. 07 2012 < 1045770.html>. "Social Networking: Advantages vs. Addictions." Social Networking: Advantages vs. Addictions. Child Refugee, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.