Lannia asked, how did she get herself together so fast,…Gladys tells them Oh’ momma kept her suit case packed and had open tickets…she arranged it all, in case she got the courage to leave the man…which she didn’t, so when he died …she didn’t waste a tear…and dance right out of the house….right onto the airplane… and we cheered at the funeral, some people thought we were crazy but still we were laughing and talking about momma…having a life now.…
[HS] Pride is often called a double edged sword and Love is often referred to as blind. These two powerful emotions that one possesses can either enrich life or destroy life. Pride doesn’t let you see or choose what is right or wrong and can destroy a good thing because you cannot see through it. Love too is blind and accepting and can keep you from seeing a person for who they are or their true intentions. Both lead down a path of destruction if either is not balanced within a person. Both are blind and destroyed without prejudice never allowing you choice when either is over abundant in a person. The author, James Hurst, demonstrates this in The Scarlet Ibis through physically handicapped, Doodle and his brother‘s relationship.…
"I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death," the author implies. In the short story, "The Scarlet Ibis" the author, James Hurst demonstrates, through life several mistakes and decision, create a thankful or regretful feeling. The author uses symbolism, characterization and flashback to develop the theme.…
James Hurst’s short story “The Scarlet Ibis” illuminates how too much pride can cause us to treat our loved ones in cruel ways. The narrator, or Brother, begins with his brother who he named Doodle that was a disappointment or invalid as he was physically different from the other kids. As Doodle and Brother grew up they went everywhere together and the narrator was embarrassed by of Doodle, so he felt as if he would teach him the things they thought he wasn't capable of to be like the others such as to walk. Once Brother had taught Doodle to walk he decided to create a development program for Doodle before school would start. The narrator one day took Doodle to learn how to swim at Horsehead Landing, until a storm came and they decided to go back home once it was worsening. The narrator had started to…
No one thought he would live but he did, no one thought he could walk but he did, and they were proud. In the story the scarlet ibis they were so proud of doodle being able to walk and happy, but when that pride was unfulfilled it became painful. Pride is neutral it can be good or bad depending on your situation. Being proud can make you happy and be a lot of fun. Because of his brothers pride doodle learned to walk. This event caused his family to be happy, and in turn made them proud of him. Doodle had just learned to walk and his family couldn’t be happier. Because of this doodle himself was happy. “ There wasn’t a sound as doodle walked slowly across the room and sat down at his place at the table. Then mama began…
A girl from Rexdale is exposed to a harsh environment where the gift of life is often tenuous. She is exposed to tragedies and failures which become embedded into her life. These factors compound daily and deeply influence how she views herself. But there is something in her that holds onto hope, and trusts in her gifts.…
The story's tragic "heroine" is Joy Hopewell, a well-educated, thirty-two year old woman with an artificial leg. She has earned a doctorate in philosophy, and her speech is refined and precise. She has a heart condition that forces her to live at home with her mother. Despite her name, Joy is ironically described as large, hulking, bitter, and angry.…
In the novel, it explores the importance of the truth, forgiveness and accepting reality. The author reveals how people struggle with pain and disappointment but eventually find a way to learn from those mistakes and move forward with an open mind. Some people don’t have the ability to face the facts, or the good and bad in life. Sue Monk Kidd demonstrates how hard it can be when people do not want to accept the truth. The author uses Lily Owens to demonstrate this difficulty, when she says, “I do, I hate her. She wasn’t anything like I thought she was. It was easy for her to leave me, because she never wanted me in the first place” (Kidd pg.251-252). Lily states this because August is the only one who knows the story about Lily’s mother, she’s also the one who tells her the truth. When Lily finds out the story that her mother left her and ran away, she’s left in shock. This implies that the truth may hurt no matter how many lies you tell yourself, the truth will always be the truth, in addition there is nothing people can do to change it. August…
Next there’s Mrs. Hopewell’s 32 year old daughter, Joy the name she was given at birth but she would later change it legally to Hulga, that she thought would better represent one of the ways she thought of herself “ugly and unhappy” ,just the opposite of her given name.Joy-Hulga was shot in the leg as a child and lost her leg ,a tragedy that Mrs. Hopewell believes shaped Hulga into the very unhappy ,arrogant know-it all ,non - believer that she was .Hulga thought of herself as superior to everyone ,and if not for her disabilities she…
|Nan’s focus is on accepting her lot and surviving. Her approach to |Gladys reveres the young queen and ideas of royalty. She’s excited at the |throws her into adulthood |…
Connie faces neglect from her mother, because she used to be beautiful. Now her mother becomes a washed up angry lady that likes to to torment Connie for things she cannot control. Once her mother allows her to leave without a dispute,…
Motivations solely based on pride can affect others negatively is a dominant theme shown through the literary element of *** in the short story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst. The text follows the story of an older brother as he lives with his young brother, Doodle who was born with a disability. The older brother pushes Doodle to surpassing the restrictions his disability has created and passing what his parents figured to be impossible such as walking. His actions were mainly influenced by pride throughout the text and later, it is that same pride that leads to Doodle’s demise. The actions conducted by the older brother display a complex theme using literary elements for support.…
In The Power of One book 2, Bryce Courtenay brought a deeper meaning into each of the many quotes used to express the character's attitude and the atmosphere of the scene to the audience. In fact, in the beginning of book 2, the author elaborated on the previous quote from Hobbie, but this time from a new friend/ mentor of Peekay, he rants “First with the facts then the trust”(340). In other words, the author overlap these 2 quote from to show a similarity between the two characters. He exemplified the fact that Morrie is an important character to this journey and that Peekay will acquire and develop new characteristics that will allow him to grow. Furthermore, the audience know that Hoppie’s quote had taught Peekay a great lesson in life and boxing, this is…
The story begins on a very sad note especially in the eyes of a reader. Mrs. Mallard is said to have a “heart trouble” and so Josephine felt that great care had to be taken when delivering the sad news of Bently’s death (Mrs. Mallard’s husband). Upon the delivery of the news, she starts sobbing and grieving then goes to her room to be by herself. This was a time to reflect upon her life. The reality of a life without her husband slowly started setting in. During this time the author helps us to realize that the death of her husband meant that there will be no more women and men oppressing one another. As she is in her room, there is an overwhelming feeling that slowly builds up. Although she tries to conceal it, she can feel it within. It is the feeling of joy and happiness as to the new freedom she has found.…
Because of Mr. Ingrams’ death Blanche was desperate to once again have the love of a man. She soon found it in a young soldier. He made her heart beet faster and slower at the same time and made her feel beautiful. Later he was called to fight in the war against the Americans and was killed in the enemies arms. After the loss of her second love Blanche became cold wanton and even more anxious. She stole any man who seemed to have a heavy pocket book.…