An Inside look at Robert Wright’s Dave Saunders and America’s Love of Guns
New England College of Business and Finance “The Man Who was Almost a Man” written by Robert Wright, is a fictional story in which we focus on the main character Dave Saunders. Dave is a seventeen year old African American living in a time of racial oppression. When we meet Dave, we learn of his struggles with some fellow field workers and desires more respect as a man. Believing that possession of a firearm will earn him the respect he thinks he deserves, Dave decides to buy a gun. In this story, Wright has created Dave to be facing multiple struggles against the white man. In the story’s setting, it is a time where African American are still being treated as second class citizens. There are environmental and social issues in which he can’t control. Another issue in which Dave faces is his finances. His mother controls all of his work wages and when it comes to buying a gun with his own money, his mother isn’t quick to oblige because she too, does not see him as a responsible man. Much like other literary characters, Dave is a victim of naturalism, struggling with powers above him, trying to overcome them himself.
It’s important to understand who Dave Saunders is. Still only a teenager, Dave is struggling with his life because of the factors of the world he lives in. It’s not very different today than it was then however movement has improved; there are still racial factors that can hinder someone and their abilities from being respected. Unfortunately, we’ve seen this happen in schools and other terrorist attacks where shooters have either been bullied or looked at differently and taken action with guns. It’s a moment full of horror and terror for the victims watching but a powerful moment in which the shooters are able to feel respected and in control.
It’s been known that American’s have a large obsession with
Cited: Campbell, Donna M. "Naturalism in American Literature. " Literary Movements. Dept. of English, Washington State University. Retrieved from: Abcarian, R. (2013.) Los Angeles Times, “As Senate acts, trying to figure out why Americans love their guns.” Retrieved From: Wright, R. (1961.) The Man Who Was Almost a Man. Retrieved from: Retrieved from: Retrieved from: Retrieved from: Retrieved from: 's+love+for+guns&source=bl&ots=8M6iibq-Um&sig=zO4AB5koGiyIM5KNaTLyRobFtqU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5JhBUpX6O5C-9gSb_YDoCQ&ved=0CFIQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=%22the%20man%20who%20was%20almost%20a%20man%22%20%20%20america 's%20love%20for%20guns&f=false