General Thesis:
- Individuals project their past and emotions onto the physical landscape, altering their perception of the urban environment
- One's past allows them to associate memories and thoughts to specific locations creating a different view compared to others
- A persons thoughts can make them feel isolated or part of the community depending on the individual
- Shows how different perspectives on the urban environment can change an individual's perception of the city. What is positive to one may seem negative or alienating to another
- An individual projects their personal experiences and emotions onto the physical landscape, shaping their perspective of the urban environment either positively or negatively
- Technology is the medium in which alienation is explored but does not relate to the other texts
- Shows separation from the natural environment, causing alienation and a sense of separation or disconnection within an individual and society
- A persons thoughts can make them feel isolated of part of the community depending on the individual
The Preludes
- Perspective shifts through narration representing different ideas, both negative and positive, relating to people and their relationship with society in the city.
- Disconnected perspective, the stanzas disorient readers and reflect the fragmented nature of the city, also conveyed in the mention of disembodied humans parts.
- The woman in the third stanza contests the monotonous nature of life but is powerless to change it.
- Cyclical nature - the ability to contest it without changing anything - hopelessness
- Eliot portrays …. in his poem through…
- "The burnt-out ends of smoky days… gusty shower wraps, the grimy scraps of withered leaves about your feet and newspapers from vacant lots" | negative imagery | Negative emotive language depicting the physical environment more than the people helps to convey the relationship people in the