The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders
Launita D. Joseph
Grand Canyon University
August 15, 2012
The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders
When a counselor has a new client they are working with, the client has to be assessed. When being assessed the counselor has to determine what issues the client may have. Through being assessed, the counselor may come to realize the client has more than one issue which is called co-occurring disorders. At this point the client will have to be treated for more than one disorder to effectively overcome the problems they are facing. Within this paper one will locate the prevalence of co-occurring disorders, mental health and substance abuse or dependency.
Services, U.D. (2005) states that substance abuse and mental disorders became associated in the late 70’s. Both substance abuse and mental disorder communities realized that the two were associated with not just depression but substance abuse as well. At that time, 50 to 75 percent of clients were reported to have co-occurring mental disorders and co-occurring substance abuse users were between 20 to 50 percent. Researchers have demonstrated that clients with co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness disorders can be beneficial with treatment. Even if the clients have serious mental disorders (Services, U.D., 2005).
With the prevalence of co-occurring disorders, Services, U.D. (2005) states that effective treatment and services is needed to be readily available for those who are in need of help. Many treatment facilities are not ready to treat those who have more than one disorder which means that one disorder is treated, while another is left untreated. After which, the client can continue to have relapses with abuse because the other disorders were not treated. What was considered to not be surprising personally is that fifty-three percent of those with COD whose addictive behaviors with alcohol abuse or
References: Services, U. D. (2005). Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations.