3)Don L. Lee is the author of the poem. He is black and grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is a poet and has published 24 books. The poem is about white people coming to Africa to invade the African tribes with modern technology. When you read the poem you get the feeling that the white people are the bad guys. The writer only describes the negative things about the white people, and therefore the poem seems very dark.
3)The language in the poem is not very hard to understand, but the meaning in the poem is difficult. The sentences are constructed in a way that makes them hard to understand, because the sentences do not hang together.
1)There is no form in the poem and it is written as a prose poem. There is one stanza and 27 lines in the poem. There is no rhythm in the poem which is also characteristic for prose poems. The poem tells the story about how Africa was invaded by the white people.
4)The main themes in the poem are the relationship between black and white people and the issues between them.
4)The poem can be related to the text by Shirley Jackson “After You, My Dear Alphonse” which is also about the relationship black and white people. It can also be related to the speech by Martin Luther King called “Eulogy for the Young victims of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing, delivered at Sixth Avenue Baptist Church”, because it was about how the black people were treated by the